Dear friends



Pl;ease keep me my wife and our family in your thoughts and prayers, i lost my only daughter in a car crash yesterday and as the tears fall on this keyboard i would appreciate all your prayers.. She left behind a nine year old daughter, our only grandchild, and with her not being married right now me and my wife will have a very hard task over the next few day, as some of you know how close were are to our grandaughter and having to bury our only little girl will be hard... Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers in advance... Harry.
We will be praying for you and yours, Harry.

John M. Carper and family
So sorry for your loss Harry. Thoughts and prayers sent.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time Harry.

We will keep you and your family in our thoughts prayers.Mel
Harry, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Carrie and I will pray for you and family and may the LORD comfort you and family during these difficult times.

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So sorry to hear such bad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Just wish there was something we could say.

Ken & Cherie
Harry, we will keep your family and especially your grand daughter in our thoughts and prayers. As difficult as it may be we all know in the back of our mind that we will have to deal with the loss of our parents , aunts and uncles, brother or sister, and some day a 50/50 chance of a spouse.....but never our children.
Only someone who has been through that can even start to comprehend what you are going through. I am so sorry.


That is so sad, especially at this time of the year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God and friends will help you and your family get through this tragic time.

Harry you have many, many, people who are proud to call you a friend.

Tony and Carole Harper
I'm so sorry. We will be praying for you and yours.
Our burden's are so heavy at times but we also know that Faith and Time heals all.
Your friend
Fred K

I am so sorry to hear this. I know words won't change things. But I pray for you and your family. This is one of the toughest things a man can face, and I hope you and your family can find the strength to go on in this time of sorrow.

I read your post, turned off the computer, grabbed my 10 year old little girl's beloved cat, and went to snuggle her and appreciate the gift from God that she, and all children are.

There are no words to make it better, but may the Lord bless and comfort you and your family as much as possible.

May the Lord comfort your grandaughter especially.

You are all in my prayers.

Greg Flannery

Prayers are being offered up for your family.
May the Lord "wipe away all your tears".....which He will.

so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family will be in our prayers.
Harry my heart hurts for you right now. I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose a child. I will be praying for you, your wife and grand daughter. If you need to talk about anything, pm me with your number. I am an ordained minister if that would help you in anyway. Please remember that before this day is over, you will have thousands of people holding your family up in prayer.

May God give you comfort and healing through this.

Mike Turner
Harry and Family

Myrna and I send our sympathy, but find it hard to say the kind of things
that possibly might comfort you; yet perhaps just knowing that our thoughts and prayers are with you, will bring you consolation and lift your heart somehow, in this time of great sorrow.
If there is anything you need or anyway we can help please let us know.
May God bless and comfort you. Love Fred and Myrna