cz accessories

The Rifle Basix offers advantages

Some of the more experienced shooters I hang around with are putting in a Timney trigger on their new CZs.

Fits factory inletting, lighter trigger pull, passes all safety checks and is easy to install.
instinct wants me to have it pillar and glass bedded plus other machine work..but I'd settle for finding the guy that sells the custom trigger guard..searching rfc aint easy:)

I believe you're looking for DRock, he makes one.
Just page him in the 22 ammo section, he'll answer.
Gulp I just went for pillar bedding a Cz Varmint Trainer

Going to spend $155 to squeeze that extra accuracy out of this gun and I will not even get to shoot it. We have a young shooter that needs an accurate rifle. This gun shoots sub 1/2 inch groups but I want this young man to have every advantage.

This young man set uptarget frames and helped score last year. I just talked with his father. His father will have custody of the rifle for the season so his son can shoot.


This gun will have three pillars and will have bedding from 1" in front of the rear site to the pillar at the rear tang.


Martin Hammonds rear action screw mod.

For those of you with CZ Americans, you already have the rear action screw.

Regards, Bruce
your a good man Bruce. maybe he'll be a lifetime shooter. I see more and more kids at the club with cz's than any other .22 rifles.
to pillar the 452 american or not to pillar...that is the question ?
You probably do not need to. Same your money for ammo

The Americans do not have the problematic barrel lug!!!!!!

We need to talk again. The only reason I am bedding this gun is that it just will not shoot with my Americans. Close but not quite as consistant. I want Kevin to beat us old guys!!!!!

The only American that I have seen that would not shoot was bedded by its owner. (Who is a knowledagble IBS competitor!)

gambler, I get everything bedded. just bought a m1 garand and that's going to be bedded.:D
just located some single shot adapters, still lookin fer the trigger guard and maybe a custom butt plate ????
Shoot the gun first

With at least 60 degrees, predictable winds and a good bag set up.

"Do very simple tuning and ammo testing. If it is a shooter keep it. If it is'nt sell it. That is the beauty of these guns. You can play and have fun without killing the family budget."

You would not buy a girl friend a house after the first date?

The odds are it will be a good gun. But it is still a production rifle!!

I have moved a CZ down the road before. So a trial before dumping a ton of money is prudent.

Everything you purchased can transferred to a another gun.

Plus there are variations to try!

i heard that removing the factory barrel is a gunsmiths nightmare ?

that the factory barrel is destroyed in the process !!
i heard that removing the factory barrel is a gunsmiths nightmare ?

that the factory barrel is destroyed in the process !!
They are glued in you have to put heat to it before you start to unscrew.
i love gadgets and gizmos....
jest this mornin i ordered an offset scope levelin device..and the high performance firin pin spring fron J&P ind...hehe the ugly little thing is still in the box..waitin on the weaver, gotta accessorize, gotta, gotta, gotta:D

anyone in louisana make an alligator ammo bag ?:D:cool:
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oh boy, oh boy ...jest located suped up action screws, now where's that darn
extra fancy trigger guard:confused::D
This is

what my CZ did today with Lapua Maaster M, its favorite pill to spit out the barrel.

Well she shot good today. I did not shoot tons but I started with a clean barrel.

The first target, the left bull was the very first target. There are 2-5 shot groups in it. The far right shot was after I moved the scope to the right after shooting the 2 groups.

The first 5 shot group was the left cluster and the next was the right cluster. In the first group the shot at 10 oclock was the very first and the next 4 went to 4 oclock of it.

The next cluster was 4 shots in the hole and one dropped out of the bottom.

The right bull was a 5 shot group that measures .144. This is with Lapua Master M, my pet round. This is at 25 yards.

It was time to step back to 50 yards. Put up a IBS score target and began to shoot a few groups. The left group the first 2 shots were the higher almost in the same hole, then the single below, then the last 2 almost in the same hole at the bottom.

The right bull is 3 shots into the top hole and 2 into the lower.

I then switched to try eley in the yellow box. I shot 3-5 shot groups at 50 and did not shoot as well as the Lapua. Not even close to the Lapua.

I decided then to try one last 5 shot group with the Lapua before I left to sight in a 204 Ruger for the owner of the gun store.

I shot a BEAUTIFUL 5 shot group measuring .125 at 50. I dared not shoot another but call it a day with the rimfire.


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there's that darn trigger guard, fessup where ya git it??..i know ya made yer own bolt handle:cool:
Which one?

This one??????;)

It came from the say man I got my stock from.

MR. Don Stith himself.

There was only one problem with it, Dennis Sorensen who smithed the rifle had to bend the trigger shoe slightly forward as it would hit the rear of the guard otherwise.



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