Custom build


New member
I am currently in the process of having a custom build with a 2500X and muller 8 groove barrel. Is there any specific process you go through as far as how often to clean when breaking in a new custom or do you just shoot it and follow your normal cleaning routine? I currently clean mine every time after finishing up or 100 - 200 rounds.
Clean it after every 25 bull target. I don't mean clean it every 25 shots but rather after shooting a 25 bull target along with the sighters and such. That's what a lot of folks do and it seems a good plan.

I don't know of any specific break in process...but I'm sure there is one or two floating around. If you want to, just to say you did, clean it, shoot it once, and clean it again. There, your rifle is good to go!!
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A. Listen to Wilbur
B. Ask your builder, many will tell you exactly what to do the first couple bricks.
The gun is being built by a great friend Don Blue who has been doing some very competitive guns. I have a custom but it was bought. Other than a CZ this is the first new rifle I have owned. Most of his work has been rebarreling. Not even sure if this will be his 1st complete custom to build or not. Doesn't matter as I have confidence the gun will be a shooter. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
Joey, I don't think there's any magic break in period with a rimfire. If it makes you feel good clean the barrel after 25 or so shots instead of say, 50.
Don't have much experience myself other than to say beware of any lead that may be building somewhere. A ratchet I had did out towards the muzzle & it gave it fits. The Benchmark & Muellers I have haven't shown any signs of lead.
You might want to either get a borescope or a bore cam to see for yourself.
You're in good hands with Don!

I don't visit this site that often, so late to the party. My last new build was tuned and tested for ammo by the builder. He said the barrel was broke in when I got it. I will say, that the rifle has never been shot more than a cards worth of ammo between cleaning by me. Which is to say, I agree with Wilbur.

If Don does not shoot a bunch of rounds through it, I would shoot 25 or so, clean and repeat. After 50 to 75 rounds. I would just clean between a cards worth. Not saying everyone will agree with that, just saying that is how I broke in all my new aftermarket 10/22 barrels.

I just counted my tuner and ammo testing sheets and I believe 710 rounds were fired through my rifle before it was shipped. I would say the barrel was broke in and agree with the builder. Hope this helps. Best of luck with the new rifle. New rifles are fun!!

Best regards,