Custom Benchrest stock - Tony Boyer

That is Tony's CF rifle from a really long time ago. 2010 was when the article was written. I believe that rifle was from the early 2000s or earlier.

OP said that he thought it could be from Tony's RF or CF rifle, that it was carbon fiber and low profile. The pic looks like what he may have been looking for. Just trying to help out.
Correction Correction Correction!

To all:

The silver stock shown in this thread is not the popular Balsa and Carbon fiber stock used in Centerfire benchrest.

This stock is a one-of-a-kind prototype. Although it is the same profile as the low profile Scarbough stock the internals are completely different.

As Bill Calfee stated this proto type did not work very well. Only the one was made.

I wanted to clear this up because many centerfire shooters have been very successful using the Balsa/carbon fiber version of this same profile stock.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

TKH (4628)

Boyer 2.jpg
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To all:

The silver stock shown in this thread is not the popular Balsa and Carbon fiber stock used in Centerfire benchrest.

This stock is a one-of-a-kind prototype. Although it is the same profile as the low profile Scarbough stock the internals are completely different.

As Bill Calfee stated this proto type did not work very well. Only the one was made.

I wanted to clear this up because many centerfire shooters have been very successful using the Balsa/carbon fiber version of this same profile stock.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

TKH (4628)

View attachment 25531

Do you know what materials were used?