custom actions

what do you think is a good make of thinking of building a heavy class and would like your imput.
I heard that allen hall makes a good one and some one in duboise pa also.
gary b
I must admit the 2500x is almost as smooth and easy to load as is a Hall. I have both. Nothing beats the Hall for smoothness. bob
Sam: At the PSL I did far better on practice targets than I did on the 5 cards of the match. I have spent lots of time bonding with it since and next weekend at The Barn will tell the story. bob
I really like my 2500X. As Bob said, it's very smooth and easy to load. I think Richard built me a great rifle with this action as the corner stone! Time will tell with a little more shooting.
I can only speak about those actions I use. Both the Hall and the Falcon, are smooth actions. Who puts the complete rifle together with a quality barrel can improve ore destroy their potential. Select wisely. My choice of smith' would be Gorham.
I sort of agree with Fred.
I own a couple of 40X's & Anschutz's & love them!
I also own a Suhl & the Action is great.

What makes a Winning Rifle is 1st the Barrel & 2nd the Gunsmith!!
& 3rd is a Rifle that you Understand & Enjoy Shooting!

Does a Custom Action, PAS, SAP or a 6 o'clock firing make a difference?
NOPE if all of the above works!
Make Sense??