Crawfish Shoot---Florida State Championship

William Smith

New member
Hey Shooters,
The cure for "Cabin Fever" is just around the corner and coming up fast. We will have open practice on the 16th of Apr. so that everyone can thaw out and enjoy the warm temps and balmy breezes here in Jax. Bench drawing for the Fl. State Sporter Championship will commence at 3:00 pm on Thursday and end at 8:00 on Friday the 17th. Sporter match will commence at 10:00. Lunch will be provided Friday along with free soda's and water. Bench drawing for the 3-Gun portion of the Fla. State Championship will commence at 3:00 pm on Friday and end at 8:00 AM on Sat. Yards match will commence directly after Shooters Meeting at 9:00 AM. At the conclusion of the Yards match, we will have our Shrimp and Crawfish feast. Sunday we will start early, as close to 8:00 AM as possible so every one can get an early start heading home. Plaques will be given out for the First three places in all weight classes, distances, to include the Sporter Championship. One lucky shooter will be awarded his entire entry fee for the weekend and others will pick some misc. door prizes We will provide tables for swap meet items and we hope that Clint And Clemmie can make it down to join us with their array of items. We will have approximately 14 tent spaces available, so if you want one of these, please contact me so that I can reserve one for you. The Hospitality Inn will give us a special rate of $59 and provide the early hot breakfast so you can get to the range early. They have improved their rooms and security and are close to the range. Contact Jane Miller at 904-777-5700 or 1-800-772-8929 for reservations. We also want to issue a warm invitation to all the ARA Shooters to come down and enjoy the warm atmosphere of fun, friendship, and fierce competition. Hey "Slick Willy", round-um up and bring -um down, hope to see ya. Any questions or assistance needed, please contact me and I will do all I can to make this the best possible start to our super new season of IR50/50 competition.
Tent Space

Ok, I will need a space for my tent, put me down for one! Question? Why start at 10 for the Sporter, we gonna wait for the wind???;)
Start Time

Seems as though some shooters will be in Friday morning instead of Thursday for practice. With the final drawing at 8:00 we will need the extra time for numbering and passing out of targets. Hope this answers your question? Thumper
Crawfish Scores & Updates

Thumper, I believe you will have the expert computer guru present at your shoot, if at all possible I`m hoping that you will be able to keep us homebound shooters updated on your Crawfish scores and Shooters ,this seems to be getting difficult in some circles obtain! Chief Collard and I are placing bets on who shows up to shoot meters Sunday; that is if you are shooting Sunday? Fiddler & Weeter are camping on the Range , wish I could be there! Broke Back Mountain reruns are on pay per view, Tell Fid ,I don`t think he has ever seen the unedited version! Thanks in Advance!

Slick I'm too old to sleep on the ground and prefer to stay at the hotel with the other shooters. Yes I will be there for meters on Sunday unless someone tries to throw me under a bus again! I will have my IPad, so I will post some scores myself. Now Slick be nice and give me a break, I'll be coming to play in your sand box soon!:D
Crawfish Shoot

Sorry you can't make it, was hoping you could round up some of them ARA shooters to share in the fun and festivities. I have never shot an ARA target or match, so I also might sneak up to the infamous Chickenfoot venue, but you have to promise to be gentle, since it's my first time. Take care and stay in touch, I'll try to keep the Weeter man away from the Fiddler, it might be safer for both of them. Thumper

Slick I'm too old to sleep on the ground and prefer to stay at the hotel with the other shooters. Yes I will be there for meters on Sunday unless someone tries to throw me under a bus again! I will have my IPad, so I will post some scores myself. Now Slick be nice and give me a break, I'll be coming to play in your sand box soon!:D

Are you cooking Red Beans & Rice ,FID! Looking forward to yall`s visit to Chief Collard`s Valley, Home of ChickenFoot!

My computer just fried itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, until I can get a replacement and get it set up, please post any questions or requests here and I'll answer them on the net. Sorry about the problem, however, the laptop was 9 years old anyway. See ya soon. Thumper
Thumper, I believe you will have the expert computer guru present at your shoot, if at all possible I`m hoping that you will be able to keep us homebound shooters updated on your Crawfish scores and Shooters ,this seems to be getting difficult in some circles obtain! Chief Collard and I are placing bets on who shows up to shoot meters Sunday; that is if you are shooting Sunday? Fiddler & Weeter are camping on the Range , wish I could be there! Broke Back Mountain reruns are on pay per view, Tell Fid ,I don`t think he has ever seen the unedited version! Thanks in Advance!

You never show .......Chicken .....I'll be there will you !!
Chicken of The Sea

Big Boy $$$$ Match This weekend , where will you be? You need a loan for the Triple Crown ? C note on each segment ;50/50,PSL,ARA You are the only land fish that barks! Look out for the hook ,Charlie!
Crawfish Shoot

Counting down the days now and things are finally coming together. The Plaques are being put together, new target backers are in place, shrimp and crawfish are on order, sound system works, scales have been calibrated, and on and on, as you can imagine. I really need a good head count so that I can make sure about the food for Friday and Saturday. Presently have six tent spaces reserved so get your order in ASAP before they are gone. Get me a head count please, hate to mess up that part of the weekend. Thumper
CrawFish Shoot

Hey Guys & Gals,
Time is getting closer, and the weather is getting better by the day. I really appreciate the ones who have already let me know you are coming, it will help bunches with the prep. Please take a minute and let me know if you plan to make it down, or up, for the first big match of the season. We are planning on having a great match and good food, and lots of fun. Thumper
Crawfish Shoot

Just a heads-up, only have 4 tent spaces left so if you want one of these, let me know ASAP. Less than 2 weeks to go before we start the season off and am looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones. Thumper

Wanted to let anyone know that I have a Dell laptop with all the scoring programs on it for sale. If you are interested let me know, only $125.00. I also have a 6X Leupold Comp. 1/8 Dot $275.00. I will bring them with me if anyone is interested, call me 251-377-3614. Fiddler
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