Crawfish Shoot--Florida State 3-gun Championship


What! No Saturday scores??

I figured somebody would have a laptop or smart phone there.
Grandpa 3. Kid zip. He went home with an empty wallet.

Gramp's tied me for two targets but won on X's and whooped me in another.......He has a big bad a cash and I hear the bad guys are on his trail to cash in too....

Mike Cameron won the 3 gun

Pepper was 3rd in the 3 gun and second in the two gun ........Not sure who was second
I have some of the scores..............
Gerald Higdon-250-12
Emery Smith........249-13
Bruce Doster.........249-12

Bruce Doster..........250-21
Mike Cameron........250-19
Bob Pekaar..............250-17

Doug Bell...............250-12
Bill Schertz.............249-18
Mike Cameron.........249-17

2 gun
Mike Cameron.........499-36
Jim Pepper.............499-32
Bruce Doster..........498-35

3 gun
Mike Cameron........748-47
Bruce Doster..........747-47
Jim Pepper.............745-41
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It was a bad day for shooting at Gatweway. I was extremely happy to see Bill Schertz back in the game again and see Jim Pepper make that long trip. We, at Gateway, appreciate the turnout from far away states and will try and reciprocate. I think that match was well run and would express my appreciation to the target crew and the scorers. (which were excellent and made the club some money.) If you lie a challange, ya'll come on down. No 250 was shot from 1996 til 2001 and that was shot my a newby fron Arkansas, Shelby Higdon, who used wooden blocks for a front rest and borrowed flags. We hope to see you all at the next Crawfish and try to beat the best. I''ve shot the match for 14 years and never won wood til this year. I would offer prayers for good health to top shooters like Gary Mitchell and Larry Fatheree- like to see these champs back on the bench.
Thank you for another good match. As always, it was good to see you and all of the old bunch and also to meet some new ones.
Congratulations to all of the winners. Mike, you put on quite a show and Fiddler with a new world record. Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations Mike and Steve............................................. ..........

And all the other winners. Bill, You did a good job as usual..and we all had a great time visiting with old friends and new ones. Congratulations to Steve Fesler..he shot my back-up sporter on Sunday and shot his first 249...he just started shooting this year. I only shot that rifle once last year and came in second in a match with a 248...I guess if I don't sell it I might just start shooting it some.
Thank you for another good match. As always, it was good to see you and all of the old bunch and also to meet some new ones.
Congratulations to all of the winners. Mike, you put on quite a show and Fiddler with a new world record. Congratulations to you both.

Way to go Mike ..........

Pepper I will get my money back next time we meet.......And no I am not going to lend you ammo or rifles any longer =0)
Awe Tuna, don't be that way. You know that you don't have anything to worry about from us old grandpas. By the way , I'm going to be a great grandpa in August . Take it easy on me.

Well, the dust is finally settling after another great Florida Championship. I really want to Thank all that helped this year, I was a little tender and sore from the accident and moved slowly all weekend, some might say that was my normal speed, but we held it together anyway. Thanks to the Target Crew, Pete Wass and Johanna, the scoring crew, Phil Deese, Mike Cameron, Bob Collins, the Alternate Match Director, Lew Beaudrot, and all who helped put up and pull down the target backers each day. It was really a great weekend and I was really happy to see all my friends start the new season off with some great shooting despite the challenging conditions. Steve Lloyd for his possible World Record, Mike Cameron, Kieth Lovan, and Jim Pepper for their consistant good scores, and our new shooter, Steve Fesler who shot his first State match and did quite well for himself. Congrats to all who took home wood, and thanks to all the competitors who braved the weather, the wind, and finally the sunshine. It was a fun time for all. Thumper!
You run one helluva dance Thumper

Had a great time and it was nice to visit with some folks I hadn't seen in a while. Hope we can do it again next year.