Cotton, cotton everywhere but not a stitch to wear.

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
This weekend the last match of the year for the Gulf Coast will be shot. It is the LV HV world famous cotton bowl match in Lubbock, TX. The match is well named as Lubbock is in the largest cotton growing region of the US. One thing I can state from prior experience is that the nicest people in the world... perhaps even in our galaxy are at this match. I cannot speak for the entire universe as I haven't visited all of it except for Kepler-452B. Those folks are a..h...s.
Anyways, dust off your rifles, load up your stuff (heavy and getting heavier by the year). Come on up to Lubbock. Shoot, talk then later drink, run around naked and scream. The Lubbock naked, screaming, drunk, ugly men parade may kick off this weekend. It only needs someone like you as a catalyst to get the ball rolling. I'll be there cheering you on.
Tim, I'm pretty sure that Kelly has a rule against any streaking by participants during the matches. Only while setting flags... bring lots of sun screen!
Will you be taking your pet sheep Tim, or is it Smallwoods weekend to have her?
David, How many times must I tell you. I am not into sheep (literally) like you and Smallwood. If truth be known I really dig octopi. I mean 8 arms all with suckers, 9 separate brains; what is there not to like? Most men I know should spend some time dealing with 9 separate brains. They then might begin to get an inkling of how to interact with the female of our species.
A female with 9 different brains...Really....trouble.....I think it has decided to identify as a male, and that is the only reason you can get along with it.