Congratulations Bill Smith (Thumper)



on you 3 gun win at Kettlefoot. You shot great in some tough compitition as well as conditions.
Hi Bill....Nice to see you are shooting so well.You put alot into this game and if anyone deserves it, you do. Good shooting my friend. DJB of Wi
Bill, Great shooting against some real tough competition. I would have loved to have been there to see you win the 3-Gun Meters, and also to see Jim win the 6-Gun! I missed everyone this year! See you at Gateway in April.
Congratulations Jim and Thumper,
Both of you guys are a credit to the sport and have worked to help it grow. Hope to see you soon. Congratulations to all of the other winners also.
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Thumper shows out!

Thumper, thanks for all the free shooting lessons! Anyone else would've charged by the hour for a clinic like that. Take it easy on those folks in Montana; you may get invited to never come back! :D S. Ga. Boy
Thanks for all the kind words! It was a great weekend with all my friends and fellow competitors. The trip to Montana was pretty easy, even if it was a long one. Dan and Jaylene took a different route since they were going into the western part of the state, but we arrived safe on the same day. Warren, Dan and Tom put on a great State Match that went smooth as silk, except for a few things, like the swirling winds, and the "cool" morning temps. If any of you ever get the chance to come out for one of their shoots, you will definately not be disappointed, the scenary will take your breath away, their hospitality is second to none, and the shooting is most definately a challenge with the mountain winds. Thanks again to Cliff for running a "Super" Sporter and 3 gun Nationals and to Tom, Warren, and Dan for a great Montana State Match. I look forward to next year already. Thumper