Congrat's Calfee, Crawfish Shooters


Danny Hepler

Congratulations to Bill Calfee for building guns good enough to win at the Crawfish. Your guns are always in the winners circle. In every class and every agg at the match a minimum of 5 of the top ten were shooting Calfee guns. If the Calfee bashers don't like this thread, Good.
Friend Danny:

Friend Danny:

Thank you my friend.

Danny, as long as folks like you keep spending your time, and money, to learn how to win, I promise, I will spend my time learning how to produce, for folks like you, the absolute finest rimfire benchrest guns on earth.

Danny, without folks like you, no one would ever know who this dumb old guy named Bill Callfee is.......

I thank, and congratulate, all of you folks again.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
I agree Danny, Bill makes excellent guns. I am tired of all the Calfee bashing's one of the main reasons I don't shoot rimfire benchrest anymore, reading all these negative posts.
Calfee Congrats

I agree Danny, Bill makes excellent guns.
Danny, I agree with you. It's hard to get a Calfee rifle and I posted this months ago--you can have one over night if you pay the price. Why are Bill's guns winning- because they are being shot by excellent markmans. The thing that sort of gets at me is Bill's congratulatory notes on this board- they are nice, but are really not necessary- as others have won with different smiths and they're just looking at the results of their work without comment- other than that, I have no objections. We shot the same bench and had the same sporter score. In the heavy gun, I pulled the trigger on my Calfee Turbo when you told me too and came in in next to last. You didn't apologize and neither did Bill. I'm gonna pull a different bench in Bristol so you don't keep me from getting wood.
I think that this whole thing would be over if congratulations came from fellow shooters. BTW, congratulations on beating me like a drum at my home range ("Drum" is my nickname).
Bob Pekaar

Congratulations to all Crawfish winners, and winning Gunsmiths.
If not for the Gunsmiths seeing their name in the record books, they might not be so inclined to work as hard as they do on our guns.
It sure isn't for the money, or they wouldn't be eating that liverwurst s@$#.

Bob, I hope you were kidding about me telling you when to shoot and not apoloogizing. If you were not kidding I don;t know what to say to you. I did enjoy sharing a bench with you and would be glad to do it again.
Who were the gunsmiths for the guys that were the winner and runner up for the ARA Championship, I have not heard anyone crowing or shooting off their mouth about that Great Win, must not have been Kathy, he doesn't miss a chance to mouth off about a win of any kind, who where those gunsmiths? SOLJ:D:D

I own a few of Mr Calfee's guns myself and they all shoot better than I can shoot them...........I have always thought it was normal for a person that takes pride in his or her work to see successful results!!! I thank Bill is that type of person. I'm sure there are a lot of gunsmith's out there that enjoy their equipment winning.....if they don't they need to find a new vocation!!
Most Calfee owners are as proud of their rifles as Bill is and they are not ashamed to say so........many kid each other about having a Calfee tatoo!!!
Haven't seen it go that far but who knows?????????
I quote Phil Deese......Ditto


I own a few of Mr Calfee's guns myself and they all shoot better than I can shoot them...........I have always thought it was normal for a person that takes pride in his or her work to see successful results!!! I thank Bill is that type of person. I'm sure there are a lot of gunsmith's out there that enjoy their equipment winning.....if they don't they need to find a new vocation!!
Most Calfee owners are as proud of their rifles as Bill is and they are not ashamed to say so........many kid each other about having a Calfee tatoo!!!
Haven't seen it go that far but who knows?????????

Ole Doc don't mean no harm, just a little dry sense of humor. We just got's to get him to lighten up a little more. He's just agravated that I tore him up all weekend long at the bench.:D