CNN Magazine Capacity Poll



This may not be the proper place for this but I felt every gun owner needs to look at this poll that CNN has running on it's website. Politicians watch these polls and the outcome of their decisions affect all gun owners. Go to and on the right side of the page you will see the poll and it asks you to vote. Please do this for all the people who believe in the second amendment. Thanks.
I voted no...however, I really don't see the need for a 30 round magazine except for military and police work.

1. Any CNN poll will be heavily tilted to the left.

2. Politicians read poll results but seldom are influenced by them when the numbers reflect opinions contrary to their pre-conceived opinions.

3. Polls, in general, are a waste of time and money.


1. Any CNN poll will be heavily tilted to the left.

2. Politicians read poll results but seldom are influenced by them when the numbers reflect opinions contrary to their pre-conceived opinions.

3. Polls, in general, are a waste of time and money.



Well said!
I voted no...however, I really don't see the need for a 30 round magazine except for military and police work.


This is exactly the mindset that got Jim Zumbo fired.

I shooot 99% single shot and I hunt with a bow. Even my self defense handgun is only a 5-shooter, but IMO if a person's SHOOTING he's on my side.

As long as he picks up his garbage at the end of the day.


This is exactly the mindset that got Jim Zumbo fired.

I shooot 99% single shot and I hunt with a bow. Even my self defense handgun is only a 5-shooter, but IMO if a person's SHOOTING he's on my side.

As long as he picks up his garbage at the end of the day.



Well, it has been my experience that the SWAT wannabe's are slobs who are jeopardizing safety at the local ranges.....the very clubs that provide them with a place to shoot their rapid fire wonders. They have no incentive to pick up those cheap military steel cases, or the increasingly popular plastic cartridges .
I'll continue my support for the 2nd Amend., but I'm beginning to draw the line when it comes to 30 rd indiscriminate fire...what skills are developed in that realm of shooting?
It sure as he!! ain't marksmanship!
............LH ..............tired of changing backers, posts, roof panels, and non-brass clean-up
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As long as he picks up his garbage at the end of the day.

You're right.... the wannabe's and slobs give us ALL a black eye but not all the hi-cap guys are slobs.

Nor are all the lo-cap guys neat-niks

Well...there it is. We all have our own ideas of who should OWN guns and what kind of guns "THEY" need. Six year olds and crazy folk is where I draw the line. That line of thinking is gun control. How we can argue our way past six year olds and crazy folk while still using the amendment as a basis is beyond me. Once we stop six year olds....whose next? I hope none of you are thinking old people!
Iam with Wilbur,But just a question ? How old is old?
Listening to CNN, is like watching the weatherman. They are wrong 50% or more of the time and still keep their jobs. It when they are correct more than not, that when they lose them.
There is a military concept that may be a useful illustration on this; it is called to "defeat in detail". It means to concentrate ones main forces on very small portions of the enemy at a time and roll them up one after another.

Anyone see a parallel?
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I dont think anybody but leftists watch CNN anyway unless you wanna get mad about something. Personally I like to shoot my single shot br rifle or any of my autos with 30 shot clips. I pick up my brass because I dont want to leave a mess and I reload. I think you oughta be able to own a machine gun if you pass the govs test without having to buy that high priced class 3 liscense. I can see gettin mad about some Rambo with his sks and a 30 shot clip not pickin up his steel cases though
It always makes me apprehensive when I hear someone opine about which gun rights I should be denied. If a person is inclined to be unsafe with his particular choice of firearms in the presence of others there are ways of dealing with that. The Second Amendment is not about sport hunting.
Get motivated !!!!!

I always hate to hear about weak kneed gun owners that don't understand why a 30 round magazine is so important. Gun rights are being taken away bit-by-bit, because there are so many "different" types of guns to be attacked.

There are some shooters that think a sniper rifle would be a pretty obvious choice to ban. Others think a suppressor is a bit over the top - why not ban them too? Why would anyone want to practice shooting at human silouette targets? How about concealed carry? That stuff ALL sounds pretty scary to liberals.

As someone else already mentioned, your constitutional rights have no regard for target shooting or hunting. It's about retaining FREEDOM. Our main goal should be to protect our Second Amendment (and the rest of our Constitution). Be aware that this important document is always being attacked from every angle imaginable.

- Larry Willis
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Never heard of or seen any sniper weapon firing plastic cartridges. Can anyone give an example ??

And we all know true snipers fire .338 Lapua or .50BMG. Not finding any steel or plastic in those cartridges. By the time I got to the poll, there was another equally obnoxious one. Early bird gets the worm.
I don"t need a hi-cap magazine, just enough ammo to win the conflict.. When the weapon goes "click" you didn't have enough
Larry S
And the guy with a AR with open sights may also be claiming he does not see the need for anyone to have a high powered scope any longer...
"6yr-olds and crazy folk"

I live in Warshington.

We're 'wayyy more liberal here on the Left Coast than I would prefer BUT, here's something they got right.

I teach Hunter Education. WA has no age limit (min or max) on students, if you can pass our class YOU CAN HUNT!

By yourself. Even at 6 yrs old.....But you gotta get past us.

An' we ain't easy
