Cleaning a scope lens?


A week ago, I bought a used Vortex lens from a member of a shooting site. It arrived today. There is a thick layer of dust covering the objective lens.

Is here a simple safe way for me to clean this lens?
Wally Siebert aka Mr Scope advised me many years ago to use the same cleaner recommended for spectacles, but to use a soft cloth to wipe the lens, never, ever us a tissue, as they are made from wood pulp which contains particles hard enough to scratch the lens.
Can you share? I'll never need to use it, but JIC.
I used Kirkland brand Multi Purpose Lens Cleaner from Costco and a cotton cloth. First, I blew off as much as I could with a squeeze air gadget I use for camera lenses If you get one of those, throw away the brush attachment and just use the rubber part. Every photographer knows that. Then, a light spray on the lens followed by a light touch circular swabbing of the lens to remove the lens cleaner was all that was needed.
Always gently wipe from the center to the outside of the lens. A lot of gunk is located on the outside edge of the lens. No sense in rubbing it out to the center of the lens. An old professional photographer told me that.