Chupacabra Video

If you think that looks like a javalina, you ain't never seen one. The backbone of a Javalina is in an upward curve and the hind quarters are not muscled and broad like the animal on the video.
Glenn, post a pic of a javalina.
I still wonder if it isn't just a doctored video using software like Photoshop for videos. All that really is weird is the long Javelina like snout on the dog like animal. :confused:
I've had a few date's that had rearends that looked like that, not to mention the smell, :eek: ain't nothin a few shots of of Wild Turkey can't cure. I often wondered what to call it ! hmmm. :D now I confirm they we're 2 legged when the nite began but eventually ended up on all 4's as the nite progressed hmmm :confused: