choice of scopes



If money was not a consideration would every top match shooter be using a March 10-60 x scope?
If I was using that money to shoot BR, the March would be my choice...Swavorski makes a pretty good scope too but there aren't any available in country. Believe it or not, the airgun community developed that one and is importing them for Field Target.
Money can't buy a 250

But, the best equipment can help you shoot one. I would use a March over all other choices. Just a personal preference based upon trying many scopes. Thanks Fred
I have a March EP Zoom 36-55x and it is not as sharp and crisp as my two Luepold Competitions'. Sorry I blew $2500 on the thing!

Al Kunard

I am not a Rim Fire Shooter, (Centerfire), but I can say this. While money can not buy you a 250, you darned sure can't shoot a 250 with a scope that will not hold point of aim.

Look at all of the advertisments placed forth by all of the major manufacturers. March is the only one that addresses the scopes ability to hold point of aim as the first, and foremost, priority.........jackie
If money was no object

Why not have Denon make you a scope with the features that you specifically wanted. ;)

well brian uses a n/f and thats good enough for me. i have one but its on a h/power rifle.

If money was no object, I would stick with my Weaver T-36's and spend the money on ammo and practice every day.. Probably shoot a 250 quicker that way than blowing $2500.00 on a scope..


To jackie...

Can you put a number on how much the internals of good scopes, lets say a Leupold or Weaver might move. I realize this will vary between scopes but I'm just looking for an approximation of what a typical scope might be. Have you found the shift in poi to be on order of 1/4 min, or would it be closer to 1/10 min?
While on this subject many confuse parallax adjustment with focus adjustment. Hunters are the biggest group in the catagory. Also a number of shooters don't lock the eye piece 'caus they like to tweek the focus. I suspect the reason many on this forum can't shoot good groups is less than perfect parallax adjustment.

Al Kunard

I am not a Rim Fire Shooter, (Centerfire), but I can say this. While money can not buy you a 250, you darned sure can't shoot a 250 with a scope that will not hold point of aim.

Look at all of the advertisments placed forth by all of the major manufacturers. March is the only one that addresses the scopes ability to hold point of aim as the first, and foremost, priority.........jackie

I wonder if too many rimfire shooters blame missing a 250 on the 3 or 4 "flyers" per box I read about? -Greg
If I have ammo with 3-4 flyers per box I ain't gonna shoot it in practice. It goes to the club and given to the plinkers. bob
If money was no consideration, I would buy one of them March scopes and have it gold plated and jewel encrusted just so everyone else will know that for me, money was no consideration. My scores likely wouldn't be any higher then they are with the Sightron 36X I'm using but I'm sure folks would take notice. For what you would pay for that March you could get about 4-5 Sightron or Weaver scopes or 3 Leupolds. My 7 year old Sightron is still very precise with its adjustments. I could upgrade to a higher priced scope, but see no reason to.
If money was no consideration, I would buy one of them March scopes and have it gold plated and jewel encrusted just so everyone else will know that for me, money was no consideration. My scores likely wouldn't be any higher then they are with the Sightron 36X I'm using but I'm sure folks would take notice. For what you would pay for that March you could get about 4-5 Sightron or Weaver scopes or 3 Leupolds. My 7 year old Sightron is still very precise with its adjustments. I could upgrade to a higher priced scope, but see no reason to.

Bill you make a good point, but it raises a question. If I may, your scope, [not to pick on yours] is very precise. How do you know? I mean how exactly do you know, not guess? Testing? Verification against a known scope? The point is, few of us actually know because we don't test [yes it's possible]. Now I doubt many are going to run out and drop a couple thou for a March for our .22's but they don't move...ever and at some point that becomes a consideration I guess. Remember most scopes that are suspect tend not to just fail but just creep a wee little bit here and there, something on the order of 1/10th-1/8th MOA @100 yards with a 6PPC. Less recoil, distance, etc, with .22's but still. I'd bet as scores get even closer to zero tolerance, etc. we see more of these optics, just as has happened in the CF game. The arms race continues.
if you buy a leupold its gauranteed forever ,send it back in the off season and let them go thru it , good luck with that on a march plus its only gauranteed for 5 yrs to original owner