Chief City Shooters IR 3-gun Pontiac, IL schedule changes


Active member
Chief City Shooters, Pontiac, IL will be rescheduling our August and September matches. August date is the 20th with a 1:00pm start, and September date is 17th with a 1:00pm start as well. This will allow shooters to attend both the IR50/50 Outdoor Nationals and the ARA Outdoor Nationals without missing critical matches at Chief City. This is good for the competitors, the sanctioning body, and the club. Jason should have the IR website updated soon with these schedule changes.

On another note, we shot our first matches yesterday (May 7th) and our long time MD and reigning IR 3-gun National list champion, JD Pflager, was able to come out and shoot both matches! In spite of his recent health issues he started right where he left off last season, shooting very well winning the first match and taking third in the second match. I would like to thank everyone who showed up to shoot and appreciate those who helped out with the matches! See below for top three.

If anyone wants to try IR 3-gun, but does not have the equipment, I am still offering a complete competitive setup (both rifles, front rest/rear bag, and a bench mounted spotting scope) for those wanting to experience the fun and challenge of IR 3-gun. To reserve the setup, please email
Our next matches will be June 4th, with a 9:00am start time.

Match #1
1st JD Pflager
2nd Scott A. Albury
3rd Jerry Halcomb

Match #2
1st Scott A. Albury
2nd Jerry Goddard
3rd JD Pflager

Thanks for looking!........Scott

Thanks for the update on JD. It is great to hear he is back and shooting well.

You just can't keep a good man down.

Congrats to you and JD on your wins!

Thank you for your reply Tony. Would be great to see you the end of July for the State and North Central Regionals. If not possible for you, please advise others, as you have shot this venue a couple of times and know the club. Other than IR changes, which I have no control over, everything is/will be run as JD has in the past. This club has a rich IR50/50 3-gun history and keeping that going into the future is my primary goal. It will never be what it was in the past, so many competitors it took 2 weekends to shoot the State and Regionals, but it would be nice to keep what we have going.
