Cheryl Hood surgery


New member
Cheryl Hood, (Mrs. Charlie) had colon surgery on Monday. There was no malignancy and she is doing well. I know all of us wish Cheryl a speedy recovery. We sent her a get well card from the Shamrock match with our good wishes and many signatures. She should be home, maybe Friday.:):)

Very good news to hear!!!!! Thanks Snuffy for posting an update and letting us shooters at the Shamrock sign the get well card. Cheryl is a fine lady, and always a pleasure to see at the range. Her and Charlie were missed at the Shamrock.

Matthew S Keller

Boy it is a relief to hear that Mrs. Hood is doing well. She may not know it, but there were lots of prayers coming her way on Monday. Cheryl and Charlie are some of the great people that make the Shamrock the event that it is. The Hoods were truly missed and we are all thankful for the good news.

Of course on my selfish side, the thing missing most from the Shamrock this year(besides Charlie and Cheryl) was the fig bread.

Wonderful news. Looking forward to seeing Cheryl and Charley in the near future.
Charlie and Cheryl, hope everything is going ok. Im praying for yall. Hope to see yall soon.

Thank you!!

Thank you my friends,
Your kind words will cheer her up when she gets home.
She is doing great! Hopefully she'll be home Saturday. She's tougher than I thought, but after living 42 years with me I should have known better.
Thanks again!!!
Thank you my friends,
Your kind words will cheer her up when she gets home.
She is doing great! Hopefully she'll be home Saturday. She's tougher than I thought, but after living 42 years with me I should have known better.
Thanks again!!!


Great news. Please give Cheryl best wishes from Christine and I. Hope to see you all again soon.

Cheryl Hood

Cheryl, Charlie, I hope Cheryl is up and running soon. Very sorry to hear of her being under weather. I wasn't @@ the Shamrock, but miss seeing you both (for three years)
Get well soon .