Cheek contact with the stock


Martin is right he has been helping me with my CMP 40X. But in all fairness cadillacjack could not of know that. I should have included that info. in my posted questions. Its very kind of both of you to take time to help me. Thanks. Jeff

Wisconsin, I think the problem is that you ask a question about RIMFIRE BENCHREST and got 2 answers. One answer was from someone who actually shoots rimfire benchrest and is very good at it, and another answer from someone who has shot 2 benchrest matches and is a keyboard shooter. Martin thought your question was how to take a factory 40X stock and turn it into a "show and tell" project.
I don't know anything about any of your other posts or Cadillac Jacks for that matter, but you were very rude! Unless you guys have some history, I don't understand your post jumping on him. Not taking away what you are helping Wisconsin with, just your post.
James, anyone can buy a $10,500 bench rifle and shoot 250's. do what I do, buy $400 cmp 3 posistion rifles and turn them into 250 shooters. must drive someone who copys others work like yourself crazy sorry James. just do once what I do routinly, just do it once james.
Jeff, somewhere on these heavy barrel's 8.5oz to 9.5oz seems to be a good range. 10.oz is defintely too much. also 20fps maximum range is it with these. they seem to like ammo above 1062. have not tried any of the center x I just got will try that next week.

James, anyone can buy a $10,500 bench rifle and shoot 250's. do what I do, buy $400 cmp 3 posistion rifles and turn them into 250 shooters. must drive someone who copys others work like yourself crazy sorry James. just do once what I do routinly, just do it once james.

Martin, the question was about rimfire benchrest, can you not read? Fred was answering his question. YOU were the one who was a JERK, not Fred. Also Freds rifle did not cost $10,500.00, more like $3200.00. That is about the going rate for a Turbo rifle. Martin, do you really believe I have never had a CMP rifle? The difference is I put them in a fiberglass stock. If I want a wood stock, I don't modify a factory stock. I buy a real nice english walnut blank and make a stock. I made my first one over 40 years ago. I don't sand the edges off a factory stock, spray it with a finish and call it a custom stock. All you did with those stocks was to take a factory stock that was worth $125.00 and make it worthless.
4 to 1 that's the ratio of new guys to old guys dropping out. keep driving them away maybe at the best scenerio 3 or 4 more years and then no one. just keep driving the young guys away wether it's trashing special olympics or just saying get rid of the trash and buy a $10,000 rifle you just can't seem to drive them away fast enough.
Special Olympics??????????

4 to 1 that's the ratio of new guys to old guys dropping out. keep driving them away maybe at the best scenerio 3 or 4 more years and then no one. just keep driving the young guys away wether it's trashing special olympics or just saying get rid of the trash and buy a $10,000 rifle you just can't seem to drive them away fast enough.

What are you talking about????????? Get one of your sons to read and explain the post to you before you answer.
Kent thanks, as far as my posts I decided to stay and not tolerate the berating . seems to me most new guys leave after one or two posts just leave. all of the attacking started when I said calffe is wrong on his tuning. just this week alone there have been one post on wallys forum and one post on this forum where shooters said they are using 3 speeds to tune and not one peep from all the guys that attacked me, not one peep.

Well actually that's not entirely correct there Martin. You seemd to make that claim[ fair enough] and when asked to try and back it up you went on and on endlessly with an internet diatribe, that to this day, I doubt if you can summon up 3 live people that could actually translate what you were trying to say, all interwoven with the fact that this was all proven beyond a resonable human question of, I believe, 2 local matches.
What are you talking about????????? Get one of your sons to read and explain the post to you before you answer.

Yeah James guys like you do nothing for the sport. Marty here developed his own better way to tune a gun and a special language needed to tyranslate it....I think.:D
Tim, because of your extreme negativity you have been on my ignore list for sometime. I just chuckle and move on.

Martin, your stocks look great & I bet they track a lot better than the factory profile.

Yes, they would track better than a factory stock. With that said, the question was about benchrest. They are not benchrest stocks by any standard.
Like I said in my posted question. I didn't want to start any trouble with this question. I see it has. So I close this thread myself and sign off. Jeff