Change happen Part III

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Justin - ain't everybody like you nor think like you. For every one of you, there's ten that aren't nearly as responsible. They knew that. Couldn't get folks like you so they just got anybody.

Absolutely agree that the folks they got shoulda not done it...but they did do it.
I understand that some didn't know that they weren't qualified. I get it. But I don't think that really matters. It's ultimately the buyer who has to ask themselves, "can I afford this house". If your bringing home $3000 a month, and sign mortagage papers that indicate your monthly payment is $2500 a month, well, that's just stupid.

It goes back to being responsible for ones own actions. Nobody made you sign the paperwork.


Nailed it. 100% correct.

Owning up to one's responsibilities is what helped shape America, and can still be the salvation of this once proud country. But when the government is "leading" the way in irresponsible behavior, and the hordes to whom they pander follow suit, then it's probably tipped too far to be corrected.

Nobody owes you sh*t, people. Either pay your own way, or starve. You're not entitled to anything you didn't earn. And being disadvantaged, or a certain skin color (or half a certain skin color), or having a mean drunk parent, or any of the ever-growing litany of 'VICTIM' categories doesn't buy you anything. Maybe a little sympathy, but that's VOLUNTARY, in a sane world.

If you default on your credit cards or mortgage or whatever debt is involved, then you stuck the rest of us with it. Think that's okay? It's not. The government FORCES the rest of us to pay for your sorry stories. Tally up your (forced) Social Security contributions sometime. Then calculate how long it will be until you've spent that money -- after the government decides you can have it. Once you've spent what you contributed, should you get more? Hell no. But chances are, you will. Think that's okay? It's not. It's the biggest pyramid scheme ever perpetrated in human history. Makes Bernie Madoff look like an amateur. You're stealing from your own kids, and their kids, and the shrinking percentage of people who pay into this RACKET.

There's a guy on a street corner near a restaurant where I like to eat once in a while. He sleeps on the sidewalk there. If I see him, on occasion I'll walk over and give him money, or a blanket. Because I want to. Not because I'm forced to. I pat him on the back, and say "here you go brother". That's my choice. Government should have no role in that. None. Charity should be privately and voluntarily funded.

If you've stuck the rest of us with your debt welching, the least you can do is say "thanks" and try to pay it back. Every damn dollar. Of course, because the government forcibly takes so much of YOUR money, it could be that paying back what you owe is nearly impossible for some situations. And if you vote for more government and more taxes, then you're the enemy. It's legalized robbery. But that doesn't make it right.

Want to smoke and drink and ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Go for it. Just don't ask me, or anybody else, to pay for the consequences. Want to play 'periscope up' with the other fellas in the bath house after watching "Hello Dolly" in a matinee? Fine. Just don't ask me to pay for the consequences. See the pattern here?

The government isn't your friend. The government is the fat bully who takes your lunch money. Fight back. Spit in the face of liberalism and government overreach. These smug sh*theads are destroying your country.
I stopped giving money to Street People a number of years ago. Many of them do it for a living and make a dern good TAX FREE one at that. The other thing is we enable those who have bad habbits to continue with them by giving them the means to continue. There is plenty of help for people who want to clean up their lives and there are jobs they could do, being filled by illegal immigrants who are willing to work for a lot less, keep their mouths shut and their heads down.

Several years ago at a Street Corner where I worked, a couple appeared with two big bundles covered in a bed sheet and, of course Backpacks. They stayed there all day and then walked off down the road. The next day only the Male showed up with his two bundles and backpack. Some people bought Subway Sandwitches and gave him. he did not eat them. At the end of the day I watched him walk down the street to a hedgerow of bushes. he walked back into that and came out with just his backpack. I then watched as he walked to the convenience store accross the street and saw him drive away shortly after that. I walked over and found his bundles. It was filled with empty milk jugs. I reported him to the Sheriff and the next day he was rousted. He went to a neighboring town after that and did the same thing there.

I am still tempted to give, especially to those who say they are Vets but, I know for sure there is plenty of great help for Disabled Vets so I never give to them either.
The English language is the key. If you bought a house you can't afford, then you bought a house you can't afford. Not my problem, not the government's problem. You and the lender have a problem. I told a guy at the local diner, who was bemoaning his terrible state of affairs, that Cabela's had a really nice 12x16 tent and he should buy it and go live in it. I couldn't care less if he lives in his $185,000 ranch that he can't afford.

Next is "illegal alien". What part of illegal does our society not understand. It's not like it's unAmerican to ship the "illegals" back where they came from. I don't dislike "foreigners" or "Hispanics" or any other group. But if you are here illegally YOU are a crook and caring for you is not my problem and not the government's problem -- even if you're one of the largest voter blocs.

I'm Reed Garfield and I approve this message ...
you guys REALLY do not get it at all.....

read my lips...

quit thinking how YOU GREW UP.


the banking industry was told to lend money to sub prime borrowers....PERIOD.

they did what they were told. they rounded out thier portfolios with subprime they were told...

READ MY LIPS was your government( through its agencies) that told them to do this......

go lend money that is highly unlikely to be repaid so the banking/lending industry "LOOKS FAIR"


some of you claim to get do not........

most of the people borrowong this money had NO F*CKING CLUE what they were doing....

they were marketed to, filled out paper work and GIVEN LOANS based on direction..not credit.

TRY LOOKING FROM THE OUTSIDE......skip your personal feelings/standards/training.....


mike in co
( of course they did not provide the funds to do it...just the ruling to require it)

mike in co

Next is "illegal alien". What part of illegal does our society not understand. It's not like it's unAmerican to ship the "illegals" back where they came from. I don't dislike "foreigners" or "Hispanics" or any other group. But if you are here illegally YOU are a crook and caring for you is not my problem and not the government's problem -- even if you're one of the largest voter blocs.

I'm Reed Garfield and I approve this message ...
I have never responded to your ranting mike in co, but now will. The Federal Government provides quite a little bit of money to each State, not only for care, but also to the city and county jails that house those who have been arrested. Then, after a lengthy stay in jail awaiting their visit to a courtroom, the Government also pays for the transportation back to the country from which they came.
would you mind telling me where the FEDERAL government made that money ???
your comment is out of context.
if an illegal goes into an emergency room ...he must be given supreme court decision...
if you go in they can deny service based on inability to pay//...

the supreme court seldom furnish funds with thier decisions...

you answer ONLY applies to those in FEDERAL HOLDING/CARE.....

try again.
mike in co

I have never responded to your ranting mike in co, but now will. The Federal Government provides quite a little bit of money to each State, not only for care, but also to the city and county jails that house those who have been arrested. Then, after a lengthy stay in jail awaiting their visit to a courtroom, the Government also pays for the transportation back to the country from which they came.
You obviously don't remember the Emergency Medical Act signed into law by Ronald Reagan. Any hospital that accepts Medicare (which means all of them) can not turn anyone away. This includes undocumented people also. If you would be receptive to the idea, you might consider moving to a lower elevation. It seems your brain is being deprived of much needed oxygen.
You obviously don't remember the Emergency Medical Act signed into law by Ronald Reagan. Any hospital that accepts Medicare (which means all of them) can not turn anyone away. This includes undocumented people also. If you would be receptive to the idea, you might consider moving to a lower elevation. It seems your brain is being deprived of much needed oxygen.

If I understand Mike's view, it's that government -- regardless of party, regardless of whether it was the legislative, executive, or judicial branch -- is overstepping its boundaries.

If you think the government isn't out of control, then hypoxia isn't your problem; you'd be lacking the same thing as the Scarecrow in that famous movie.
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