Chambering Issue


New member
I have just cut a new barrel for a 30 Br and when I chamber rounds some of them are difficult to chamber. Even empty brass, full length resized and Trimmed for proper length can be difficult. Some chamber fine, some have a stiff bolt closure but some require the bolt to be Pushed Forward and a definite "Click" can be heard before the bolt will close, you can feel the bolt move slightly forward before the bolt will close, but it is stiff. This is with the firing pin, extractor and ejector removed. Head space is fine, checked and double checked. The chamber looks fine, although I do not have a bore scope. Is there a fix or should I just move the chamber forward a thousandth and reset headspace? Thanks for any help.
Check your sizing/sizing die ??

Measure the sized cases
I have just cut a new barrel for a 30 Br and when I chamber rounds some of them are difficult to chamber. Even empty brass, full length resized and Trimmed for proper length can be difficult. Some chamber fine, some have a stiff bolt closure but some require the bolt to be Pushed Forward and a definite "Click" can be heard before the bolt will close, you can feel the bolt move slightly forward before the bolt will close, but it is stiff. This is with the firing pin, extractor and ejector removed. Head space is fine, checked and double checked. The chamber looks fine, although I do not have a bore scope. Is there a fix or should I just move the chamber forward a thousandth and reset headspace? Thanks for any help.
I am using the same Redding Competition FL neck Bushing Die that I have used for years on other barrels cut with this reamer and using the same action, a BAT 3L.
Extractor problem ?

"some require the bolt to be Pushed Forward and a definite "Click" can be heard before the bolt will close, you can feel the bolt move slightly forward before the bolt will close,"

Does this suggest you might have difficulty getting the extractor to "click" over the case head ?

A. Weldy
Have you checked the clearance between the nose of the bolt and the barrel's cone? Done any checking for contact with layout dye?
Extractor has been removed from the Bolt.

Carbon Build up - I even re trimmed two case necks to make sure a doughnut had not formed.

Nose clearance is fine, with no shell the bolt just falls closed, even with head space gauge.

I have tried some fire formed brass and some that has not been fired in that chamber.

Yes this is the same old brass but all was fired in a chamber cut with the same reamer.

thanks for the replies
That's why I am wondering if I need to just recut the chamber a thousandth forward and reset the tenon shoulder to reset headspace. I think I will try and re anneal the brass and see if I am getting spring back in case this is just a really tight chamber. I like a tight chamber:eek:
That's why I am wondering if I need to just recut the chamber a thousandth forward and reset the tenon shoulder to reset headspace. I think I will try and re anneal the brass and see if I am getting spring back in case this is just a really tight chamber. I like a tight chamber:eek:

You might consider a different die. If you sent a couple of new, fireformed cases to Lynwood Harrell, you could get a die that would fit the chamber. The chamber is probably slightly different than the last one. Annealing will likely not make a difference as the issue is likely the base of the chamber rather than the shoulder. Of course, this is all speculation, but a die from Harrell's is an inexpensive fix.

I thought of that but a fire formed case will not rechamber. Would a body die from Redding do the same thing?
I have just cut a new barrel for a 30 Br and when I chamber rounds some of them are difficult to chamber. Even empty brass, full length resized and Trimmed for proper length can be difficult. Some chamber fine, some have a stiff bolt closure but some require the bolt to be Pushed Forward and a definite "Click" can be heard before the bolt will close, you can feel the bolt move slightly forward before the bolt will close, but it is stiff. This is with the firing pin, extractor and ejector removed. Head space is fine, checked and double checked. The chamber looks fine, although I do not have a bore scope. Is there a fix or should I just move the chamber forward a thousandth and reset headspace? Thanks for any help.

My thoughts

1.)Each new barrel needs its own new brass.
2.) Some even require a separate re sizing die to compliment the new chamber.
As stated earlier
Just because it was cut with the same reamer does not mean all chambers will be the same dimensions
different machinists, different steel properties, different lathe, different chambering techniques just to name a few variables

New brass may solve all your problems!
My 2 cents
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Sounds to me like you just cut a very nice close tolerances chamber. Just use new brass and you will be fine.
No the reamer is nearly new, this is the third chamber I have cut with it. All chambers were drilled and bored so the reamer did minimal work. I think a small base body type die or new brass will fix the problem. Hopefully it is not the chamber.
Your initial post indicates that the problem is with the cases rather than the chamber. Cook up some new cases and let us know if that fixes the problem. You don't have to make more than five or so to determine if that fixes it.