Central Jersey Winter League



Well we had our last 100yd group match for this seasons winter league today. What a way to end the season. Temps weren't too bad mid 40's but the wind was howling:eek: steady 15-20mph with gusts to over 30mph. Only 6 brave souls showed to shoot in the slight breeze;). Since there were only 6shooters today I'll list all the aggs.

1. Tony Cerrone .3134
2. John Yanosey .3178
3. Bill McIntyre .3368
4. Dana Mattern .3402
5. Harley Baker .3482
6. Ken Alfredo .5148

Small Group
Dana Mattern .175

We had a total of 17 shooters at one time or another this year in our 100yd matches. I would like to say thanks for everyone who participated in this years 100yd matches. However there were only 6 shooters who shot in the required 5 out of 6 matches for the aggs for the season. The following are the aggregates of the those 6 shooters.

1. Dana Mattern .2920
2. Bill McIntyre .2982
3. Tony Cerrone .3203
4. John Yanosey .3302
5. Glen Olenick .3487
6. Ken Alfredo .3867

Small Group for the Season

Vicki Olenick .120 (she is a junior shooter):D

Next Saturday is our last match for the season. It will be at 200yds. See you next week. Thanks to Bill for the Hot Dogs and coffee. Oh by the way I think Harley is off the "juice":D;)

Congratulations on your first place finish and for hosting the Winter League matches. It is always a lot of fun! The wind made it a bit of a challenge today, but it was better weather than they had predicted. Not a bit of snow!

Thanks again and to all those involved that make it happen!

Bill McIntyre