CAUTION Leaning your guns in your car!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought this needed copying here

This is a special thread!

It looks like the guys are walking by cars until one of them unlocks. Could have been mine! Not that they would have got anything....
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Something sililar

Back in the '90's peoples houses in Oz were being broken into if they had an automatic garage door. Either radio signals or IR signals would trigger the opener. A broad band signal generator was operated by people driving past houses. If your door responded to a signal it was tagged and monitored until you were out. Insurance companies were not paying out and or not renewing policies if a house had such a door fitted. They claimed you were not broken into because entry was not forced. Don't know what the case is now.

I would suspect this car opener is something along these lines.

In The 60's & 70's

Kids with Citizen Band Walkie Talkies tuned to Channel 14 could also open Garage Doors. I also saw a guy lose his remote control model air plane to a CB Radio.
Kids with Citizen Band Walkie Talkies tuned to Channel 14 could also open Garage Doors. I also saw a guy lose his remote control model air plane to a CB Radio.

Absolutely :)

My friend hopped up his CB and it would open a large percentage of garage doors, occasionally trip the coin return on a phone or vending machine making it pour quarters like a Vegas slot and heat the antenna up until it stayed dry in the rain....... and with a MoonRaker you could make hits to just about any state in the union from one highpoint.

Or knock rc planes loopy :)

Kids with Citizen Band Walkie Talkies tuned to Channel 14 could also open Garage Doors. I also saw a guy lose his remote control model air plane to a CB Radio.
I wasn't aware anyone was watching when that happened. Back in (around) '76, I'd rebuilt one of my (then) Father in Laws RC planes. Came the day to try it out and everything was going great. That is until the guy over on the other side of the neighborhood fired up his linear assisted CB on Channel 3 (which happened to be real close to the older RC freqs). The plane went to full throttle, full up, and full left all at the same time. I ended up digging the 0.45cid engine back up out of a 6" hole that it dug on impact.
Dude!! I was pleasantly diverted by memories of the Moonraker..... then you bring up "linear assist!"

Ohh yeahhh, and I was jealous when my "rich" buddy hooked up his new SSB Base Station :) (incidentally, he was "rich" because he quit school to work at a sod farm and dug worms on the side..... it's called "work ethic" and he had (has) it.... he was buying rifles whilst the rest of us were dreaming out the classroom window)
Incidentally, this is one of my formative experiences on the subject of "power is power is power." My buddy with the souped up CB had a big block and a monstrous Diehard, you could put the speakers on the roof, blare the stereo out over the field all night and she'd fire right up....... but that there antenna that sizzled in the rain??? That skip-box that could send signal acros't the ether and around the world???? It left us sitting up on that mountaintop arguing about how fast we'd have to coast to lock up the torque converter on a built Turbo 400 ;) cuz that there pre-cellphone tower of power couldn't pick up a buddy 1 down in town, line of sight just 3 milesaway...

Break 1-9??? BREAK-1-9.....k..kkk...k-k-kkkk.....



Back in the '90's peoples houses in Oz were being broken into if they had an automatic garage door. Either radio signals or IR signals would trigger the opener. A broad band signal generator was operated by people driving past houses. If your door responded to a signal it was tagged and monitored until you were out. Insurance companies were not paying out and or not renewing policies if a house had such a door fitted. They claimed you were not broken into because entry was not forced. Don't know what the case is now.

I would suspect this car opener is something along these lines.


in the insurance world BURGULARY coverage requires forcible entry or exit. Most homeowner policies written on the ISO HO3 form provide THEFT need for forcible entry or exit, just some indication that the items were stolen(no coverage for mysterious disappearance). Your contents are covered worldwide subject to the deductible. Guns, however, have a homeowner sublimit of around $2500 for THEFT coverage. --Greg
Back in the late seventies I used to shoot with a fellow name of Alex Bulman. Alex drove a big, new Cadillac and sure enough, someone popped the trunk and stole rifles and other stuff. At that time I was driving a 1964 Comet which I bought from Rent a Wreck for 125 bucks. I pointed out to Alex that if he had a car like mine, no one would even bother looking in it. He said it wouldn't be worth it! Sometimes, low tech is better.
Like you I was trying to figure why anyone would lean their guns in the car. Why not just lay them down? Regards, Bill
I thought the post said leaning a barrel against a car. I guess they would fall on the ground when you drove off.

If I remember the last time that it happened to me, topic title misspelling cannot be edited here in BRC once it is posted.

Upon reading the topic, the image of a rifle sliding off the side of a car was exactly what came to mind, and I was expecting to see photos of a very badly dented rifle.
I guess great minds think alike. :cool: