Caution about Lyman

Andy Cross

New member
Just thought I would post this about a recent purchase of the Lyman Gen 6 powder dispenser. It took all of three days for it to develop an intermittent fault with the touch panel screen. Thought the smaller foot print compared to the RCBS at a loading bench at matches might be a good idea. Also no buttons to get debris behind. Probably cheep crap components sourced in China are the problem. But I have heard negative reports about the RCBS and Hornaday units as well. What to buy ? Probably nothing. Oh well let the buyer be aware.
I know

Just thought I would post this about a recent purchase of the Lyman Gen 6 powder dispenser. It took all of three days for it to develop an intermittent fault with the touch panel screen. Thought the smaller foot print compared to the RCBS at a loading bench at matches might be a good idea. Also no buttons to get debris behind. Probably cheep crap components sourced in China are the problem. But I have heard negative reports about the RCBS and Hornaday units as well. What to buy ? Probably nothing. Oh well let the buyer be aware.

A person who owns a trailer mfg business. They bought an expensive plasma cutting table. It wouldn't cut a straight line. Problem was a communist Chinese bootlegged control chip. It's not a surprise. Return it for a replacement and hope for the best.
That's another issue

A person who owns a trailer mfg business. They bought an expensive plasma cutting table. It wouldn't cut a straight line. Problem was a communist Chinese bootlegged control chip. It's not a surprise. Return it for a replacement and hope for the best.

Getting a replacement is another issue. For this is Australia. The fault is intermittent but saying that won't mean anything to the bone heads testing it. Chances are they will plug it in and it will work just like it did for me some of the time. Then tell me there is nothing wrong with it and send it back. Consequently the back and forwards war begins until one of us gives up.
caution about Lyman

This is another example of my concern about a Gem Pro 250 scale (actually 2 scales) that do not work. In my opinion, these companies are in such a rush to bring some gadget to the market place, they don't bother to do much testing. If these electronic items give us this much trouble, they would also give the vendor/manufacturer the same trouble, if they took the time to test them properly. I really believe we have to demand more from the vendor/manufacturer. If it has to be sent back for repair or replacement, give us 50% of our purchase price back for the inconvenience. After all, they don't have to send our money back for repair or replacement.

It might cost you more then its worth, but they will replace it.. There a very old company here in the USA and they have always went above and beyond for me.
A RCBS 1500 Chargemaster costs about $300 +/-. Some of these other electronic dispensers cost much less.\\Go figure.

As with the scale, this seems an isolated occurrence. Anything we buy these days is a "chance". We tend to buy the cheaper item and then complain that it doesn't work as well or better than the more expensive item. It may be that the more expensive item was tested to work properly before sent to the customer. The more expensive items sometimes don't work as well as the cheaper stuff.

I didn't write this in direction to anybody (as it may seem)....just sayin'.
But you and the Co are in the USA

It might cost you more then its worth, but they will replace it.. There a very old company here in the USA and they have always went above and beyond for me.

Yeah but you and Lyman are in the USA. The problematic device is sent back to the imported/distributor here in Oz. If they plug it in and it works they'll send it straight back and say it's fine. It would be far better for me if smoke billowed out of it and stopped working altogether. All I can do is persist and wear them down. Lyman in the USA will only know about it if the importer sends it back telling them it failed.

Over ten years ago I bought the electronic scale and powder dispenser that RCBS was selling that Pact made for them. Worked great and still does. The dispenser was a bit slow, which the next model was a little faster. I have two sets now and have no complaints. Yes, they have some odd traits that become accustomed to. My original scale has a certain temp that it likes to operate in, around 69 degrees. The second scale doesn't seem to be as critical as the first.
At the time they were bought, I believe they were made in the US of A.
If I were to need to buy again, I would simply call Pact. Also they supported our IBS Nationals by giving complete sets to the Virginia club three times and the Ohio club once, for prizes.
My two cents worth....
