John Kielly
Shari's fan club
I'm in a holding pattern waiting for the cataract on the centre of the lens on my aiming eye to get bigger or for my ophthalmologist to nag me into getting it popped now, but I haven't got a handle on what happens next.In another thread, Charlie said:
vicvanb, I too had cataracts come on fast, I was 20/400 in one eye and couldn't see to good out the other. I had both eyes done and now I'm 20/20, it's a miracle what they can do. I had to have my friends encourage me to take that step and I'm passing on that encouragement to you, it's scary but you won't regret it. I was almost incapacitated and now it's like a new life has been given to me.
Charlie Hood
Does the replacement lens have any focusing capability, or do you have to decide what "setting" to use? If they're a fixed value, I would be inclined to have one with a long distance "relaxed" focus to suit the disciplines I shoot, but I would welcome advice from those who have been worked over.