cartridge bullet runout

Hey Fellas,
I anneal, Forester BR FL, Forester neck turn .0015, Compare bullets, OAL cartridge from lands .005, bump shoulders .005, and Forester BR Seat.

I get less than .001 neck runout, less than a half a thou neck thickness but still get .004 bullet cartridge runout.

Is a neck mandrel the answer?
Press maybe

Try an arbor press bullet seater, your press may have runout and is causing some of this misalignment. I’ve got a seater made using my reamer and it within a half.
I switch from my Lyman t mag which the ram has play to my Lee classic single stage which has minimal play and cut the runout in half. Thanks. Surprising though with the BR seater, but I guess that would do it. I should have grabbed those wilson seaters off ebay when I could.

Update ! less then a half a thou with my Lee classic single stage press.... !! AMAZING !!

Also Sinclair expander mandrels are great too.
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I switch from my Lyman t mag which the ram has play to my Lee classic single stage which has minimal play and cut the runout in half. Thanks. Surprising though with the BR seater, but I guess that would do it. I should have grabbed those wilson seaters off ebay when I could.

Update ! less then a half a thou with my Lee classic single stage press.... !! AMAZING !!

Also Sinclair expander mandrels are great too.

SO MUCH FUN!!! When you make progress hey....... Very gratifying.

Keep on a'pluggin......
Keep on a'testing......
Keep on reporting results!.......

And most of all Enjoy The Day! It's a great time to be alive

Interesting Times

and, Free Advice Of The Day, write EVERYTHING down. MAP them rabbit trails and sooner or later they begin to make sense :)
Write it down CAREFULLY, and then read it twice to make sure it makes some sense. It's no fun to read it weeks, months or years later and wonder "what to hell was I trying to say?" This happens to me in shooting and at work too.

well set two dummy rounds and bullet runout is at .0005 and another at .003. Wondering about the bullet itself.

I got a new seater stem from forester that handles vld bullets. Brass shows consistency, neck outside runout and neck thickness. A rep from 21st century told me the futher out on the seated bullet shows more runout. The outside neck runout shows the same as the unseated bullet, less than .001.

I mandrel neck size after shoulder bumping with no expander.... couldn't believe the night after I had to neck size again.

Any thoughts on dummy rounds varying?

Has anyone used a Bersin Gage? It is caliber specific, measures runout on seated bullets and you can correct runout by gently pushing against bullet with a dial until it is straight. Readings are seen on a dial indicator. It is time consuming but produces runouts of <.001. I won the first score match I shot this way in factory class.
Has anyone used a Bersin Gage? It is caliber specific, measures runout on seated bullets and you can correct runout by gently pushing against bullet with a dial until it is straight. Readings are seen on a dial indicator. It is time consuming but produces runouts of <.001. I won the first score match I shot this way in factory class.

looked for website can't find it

here's my set up. It took a little doing but I got it......

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Since the Nats last year I've checked 7 presses and rebushed 6. Some of these were made by companies that have a good rep in the BR game, will name no names, some are production presses. The range seems to be from .012 to .035, even if you seat with a Wilson seater it's easy to make crooked ammo if the case is crooked. There are some high end seaters being made that are supposed to be better than the Wilsons, most of us won't shell out $300 for one of them however nice they are.
There Was A Time

There was a time when DISCUSSION occurred here on this forum..... a time before the grunties who can't stand "disagreement" ruled our land.

USEta'could opine freely, USEta'could actually find real information ........ but now it's snowflakes everywhere so try the search function. I did and found this thread.

There are others also on the subject.

Good Luck


BTW, still not worth bothering with the other forums on the net as far as learning accuracy techniques....... Nobody anywhere except HERE has ever tested anything worthwhile and showed/explained/asked-for-others-to-try the tests .....and most everybody has left from here because of just a few snowflakes who're "offended" by disagreement. All the other 'Snipers Setting Arounde Ye Jollie K'empfire a'Scussing Acc'racy' forums are peopled by endless groups of friends picking sides and opinions without doing the actual work and when one DOES post actual experience he's mobbed by "fans" and equally by "haters" so it' hard to pick out the relevant info.

This entire subject is heavily explored, many of us have spent time and $$$$.$$ and many of us work daily with ammo with no appreciable runout. I randomly check new, experimental setups (I haven't bought nor used a factory-spec reamer in 25yrs) for runout, address problems as needed and never look back.

I've tried to pick a thread with some disparate experience-based angles about which to think.

I just went over and checked that thread to make sure it din't have anything "offensive" in it.

First thing I see is Jackie leading off with the statement "You are making a false assumption"


Those were the days :)

Near the END of the real discussion days, most of the actual gun-builders and designers and Engineers and writers-of-books had moved on, sick of being y'umped all up on by Thee Clueless Masses, Wuhh'Bama's minions were just gaining traction re 'all opinions are equally valid'.......but still perty good.....
the best you can get

Forster BR seaters seems to be the best along with any inline seater. I was told by Wilson to send a case sized to your liking, as for me shoulder bumped a few thou, and they will remachine to that case. How would a crooked FL case effect thier machining? They didn't mention anything about a case being crooked after FL sizing.

On another note RO is fine, .0015 on seated bullet necks, .001 or less on unseated necks, neck thickness .0015. Seated bullet mystery. My Lee Classic single stage ram has very little play. Barely feel it, but 128th off on the board by the fifth cut is 1/8 inch off.
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