captured Moly coated bullets after firing??

without load data kinda useless.
caliber and load many rounds thru the bbl ?
The recovered bullets we examined had the moly rubbed off where the bullet contacted the barrel. We band sawed the barrels in half, on some worn out barrels that had ony moly bullets fired through them. The moly could only be seen(even with a microscope) 2" foreward of the throat and we were not able to remove it. It was imbeded in the same heat cracks etc. that you see in regular barrel throats with uncoated bullets. After that I started to swab the complete bore with moly rather than just the bullet. The flame front at the throat is what ruins a barrel, but I think moly helps with friction and cleaning, but not just on the bullet but the complete bore. Just my two cents.
cant really say how many rounds or loads, we were rebarreling for silly-wet shooters. calibers were .308,7mm08,6/5 08. We just sawed them out of curiousity. Moly didnt seem to make any difference in throat erosion(assume the barrels had similuar rounds fired out of them). Most owners didnt keep records. I dont think moly can protect the throat from the extreme heat, but I do have some experence with large steel heat form dies. Boric acid and water mixed into a paste and sprayed onto the dies made them last 2 times long without heat checks and metal oxidation, dont know if hex boron has the same properties?
so not trying to be rude, but with no load data and no round count...t is useless information...not even "data"....cause yes bbl's wear out.....