Canastota 200-300 Nationals update



The match report was sent in for posting but the web master was at the score nationals and will post the results soon.
I received a door prize on Tuesday of this week From Kelbly"s, It is a certificate for Stolle Panda action face value $1100 (thank you Kelblys). Seeing it was to late to do something with it at the match I decided to put all the competitors numbers in a hat and my wife drew a winner. The winner is a new shooter, competitor number 238 and his name is Barney Small from Plymouth NY. Congratulations to Barney.
Again thank you to all for the support of Canastota and the championships.
Mike Mastrogiovanni
Like they say " I'd rather be lucky than good" at least some times.
I can't believe Mo fell for the old "close your eyes,reach in the hat,and pull out a winner" trick ! You lucky dog.
What a generous gift from Kelbly's, a Panda action.Tremendous ! I'm shure Barney will be thrilled.When new guys come to a BR match and go home with somethin', a bottle of solvent,a box of bullets,a hat ? it really makes them feel welcome in the BR community,if that new guy receives a door prize of a Panda Action or a Hart barrel,etc. chances are he/she will be a BR shooter for life.
Many thanks to all the sponsors that have given so graciously over the years, your support is greatly appreciated.