Canadian shooters being harased at boarder

Yes there is a problem there with illegals and drugs but no problem with paul'' papers in order canadian citizen been here many many times 35 for camillus alone.
Crossing many other times. The should know him by now . How about a good guy list? Bet they have a bad guy list'
Ya got to remember, at least some of, if not all, the highjackers of 9-11 came through the Canadian/ US Border. It appears to have left a lating impression, on this side at least.

Something that baffels me is the Canadian side not allowing an American who has been adjucated for an OUI on this side to enter the country. Here in Maine there is a golf course with it's club house over the border, built that way during Prohibition. A friend was there playing golf at a Profesionals's Association Tournament. The Mounties came to the club's parking lot and ran the names of the owners of all the American cars there. One of the prticipants was pulled off the cource and made to leave Canada because of the OUI he had sustained. Seems somewhat rediculous to me and a Black Eye as far as the Canadian Government is concerned. Without the US, there would be no Canada like they know it to be today. Perhas we should be more selective with them, like those who chose to by-pass their Marvelous Medical System, for instance.
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I remember quite well the reporting of the vehicle some of the Highjackers had rented having entered the US through one of the Check Points on the US/Canadian Border and I believe in Maine. That was widely reported at the time of the incident. It was reported that some of those flew to New York from Portland, Me on the morning of 9-11. I do not believe the general public realizes otherwise. Most people have no occasion to know otherwise unless the information is pointed out to them.

I was in Wyoming visiting friends on 9-11 and opted to take a bus home. When I got to Portland 3.5 days later to pick up my car from the Airport, it was more like a military base than an Airport. There were no velicles allowed to park anywhere near the terminal building. I asked what had tranpired and was told what I have said above. I also recall seeing it reorted on a documentary of the 9-11 incident on TV.

It ia old news and History now. Life as we knew it before 9-11, with regard to Airports and crossing the Canadian Border, will never be the same. If it is true that none of those involved came through the Canadian Border to Portland Airport on the morning of 9-11, one would think things would relax a bit, wouldn't one. I don't ever expect to see things relax during the remainder of my life.
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I remember quite well the reporting of the vehicle some of the Highjackers had rented having entered the US through one of the Check Points on the US/Canadian Border and I believe in Maine. That was widely reported at the time of the incident. It was reported that some of those flew to New York from Portland, Me on the morning of 9-11. I do not believe the general public realizes otherwise. Most people have no occasion to know otherwise unless the information is pointed out to them.

Your own State Department issued the visas to the hijackers, they flew direct to the USA, months before the attack. If you want to blame someone, blame the State Department. Hearsay and widely reported meant nothing in the days post 9/11, and still mean nothing. Shoddy journalism and lazy journalists was the order of the day. Canada had nothing to do with it. Time to let it go.
Your own State Department issued the visas to the hijackers, they flew direct to the USA, months before the attack. If you want to blame someone, blame the State Department. Hearsay and widely reported meant nothing in the days post 9/11, and still mean nothing. Shoddy journalism and lazy journalists was the order of the day. Canada had nothing to do with it. Time to let it go.

You're right and I guess I should let the OUI thing go as well. I guess what was going on on at the Airport and what was said was "heat of the Moment" stuff as well. Truthfully, I don't believe much of what comes out of Commissions and Governmental Departments after the fact of things and situations. They have their reasons to smoothen troubled waters sometimes and most of us are Mushrooms, they keep us in the dark and feed us - - - - . It won't matter to me anyhow as I never plan to cross the Border again. That's all I have to say on the subject.
Paul Burns 5 11 inches Fadeing blonde hair thin build caucasion. drives a toyote prius has canadian pass port,
cleared by Canadian government , rifles in cases serial number matched and checked. all proper entry papers in order.
No criminal records. retired hard working Canadian citizen, Veteran, Nice personality.
Rated as a great guy by his peers. Aka all around good guy''' No criminal records
Hummm ?????????????
I go to the US 12 - 14 times a year, and mostly do not have a problem. If I am sent in to be checked (Ivy Lea), most of the agents know me - a couple by name - I figure an hour max but the least was 15 mins.

Two weeks ago I crossed at Sarnia and found the agents to be aloof. We did get sent in and they run the serial numbers to see if they were stolen and then told have a nice day and good luck at the match.

I've found that I have more of a problem getting back into Canada. I have come across some agents that were good. One young female remembered me from a year ago said said so because all of my paperwork was in order.
I still recall with dismay my trip from Detroit Metro (via Seattle) to hunt in Alaska in 2009. I was flying Northworst Airlines & properly checked the rifle in at their desk. I was escourted by the ticket agent to a separate area and a lengthly wait for the TSA officer to arive. She (TSA officer) had no clue how to do the security check, so the Northwest ticket agent walked her through the TSA procedure, step by step. First week on the job I guess. There has been a fee tacked onto each flight we each pay to cover these estute federal employees while they protect us from ourselves.
The northern US border leaks like a rusty bucket; do we reallly think the bad guys are going to show up at an recognized international border crossing, with yards of proper paperwork, and wait to be caught? Let's not even mention our southern border! I am embarrassed for the treatment of our Canadian visitors and the friends we shoot next to at our matches.