Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB September 8th, 2018 Match Report

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB September 8, 2018 Match Report
The winds at Camp Maria today were hitting, blowing and cutting the range to pieces. Maria lied to the wind flags that had been placed out by the competitor's so much so that if you shot to bank off the west wind it should have been banked off the east wind vice-a- versa all day.
Name Class Equipment T1 Score x's T2 Score x's T3 Score x's Total Score Total x's
Relay 1
John Parrish HV Thomas T1 240 6x T2 237 7x T3 242 6x Total Score 719 19x
Jim Benson LV FWB P70JR T1 244 6x T2 241 11x T3 241 9X Total Score 726 26x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas T1 241 7x T2 238 4x T3 243 5x Total Score 722 16x
Relay 2
John Parrish HV Thomas T1 242 4x T2 241 11x T3 241 9x Total Score 724 24x
Jim Benson LV FWB P70JR T1 236 3x T2 240 5X T3 235 3X Total Score 711 11x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas T1 236 5x T2 231 2x T3 237 6x Total Score 704 13x
Dave Zinski Match Director
Nice shooting guys. Sure hated to miss the match.

I just have to say that Dave is not telling tall tails about the winds at Camp Maria. The can make you pull out your hair and blow it back in your face.
I also have to say Dave runs one heck of a fun match to shoot. For those folks he has invited to join us you have got to take him up on his offer. You wont regret it one bit.

Thanks for all you do Dave!!
Matt thank you.

I want to say thank you for all the help you and the rest of our group have been doing all season to make our matches work. I just couldn't do it with out all of the crew's help, and Matt thank you for your kind words.

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