Calfee Sporter


I've not done a lot of posting on this forum. Actually I haven't spent a great deal of time viewing it until the past few weeks.

In the short time I've been viewing something just stands out. The three top topics are all about Calfee in one way or another.

It looks like there have been about 10,000 views on those three topics. it don't look like if you add up all the other topics they will come to that figure.

Is this normal for this forum?

I'm not saying it's good or bad, just an observation.

Squatty, if you were not able to see it, a week and a half or two weeks ago there were a few posts that were Calfee related one way or another that had in excess of 70,000 views! I stated somewhere in here, that advertisers notice this kind of thing.

There was a debate between Varmint Al and Bill Calfee that I found very informative and useful. I am trying to learn. I am not alone. There was a LOT of good info that could be used to further the education of someone wanting to be a better shooter.

It seemed that both sides were getting presented well, all was going well for a pretty good while. Information that could be tried for ones self was presented. Al and Bill were being respectful and gentlemanly. It was my hope that this thread could be preserved for people to learn from it. It eventually descended into the abyss deep enough that events occurred wherein it got deleted. THAT DESCENT WAS NOT BY AL AND BILL, IT WAS BY OTHERS WHO POSTED TO THE POINT OF BEING CHILDISH AND RIDICULOUS!!

I considered it a sad loss of information.

It would have been interesting if it had stayed. At some point Bill Calfee will be proven unquestionably right or unquestionably wrong. It would then have been kind of fun to see who was right or wrong about him.

Squatty, Calfee puts out information freely, and I believe him when he says he wants to advance the sport. He is not the only one who wants to advance the sport, obviously. But by now I am fairly sure that you have noticed that some people can be very argumentative and contentious, and just downright mean about it.

Unless I missed it, and I haven't been here too long, (I did lurk a long time though) I have not seen Bill Calfee get disrespectful and mean to people.

Seems to speak of character.

Take care,

If self-promotion and stirring the pot on this forum were Olympic events, Bill Calfee wouldn't be able to lift up his head due to all of the gold medals.

Howdy Jetmugg!
I would point out, with respect, if Bill Calfee, or any other gunsmith, built rifles that were of inferior quality, all of the self promotion and pot stirring in the world would get him no attention. Or business. Or gold medals.


If I understand it correctly, being somewhat new here, if all of the talented shooters shooting high quality Calfee rifles were to put a medal on Bill for the matches, records, and championships won with those rifles, Bill Calfee wouldn't be able to lift up his head due to all of the gold medals.

My friend Bob Barnhardt is another one of those guys who can twist a tuner during a card and win the match. I've seen him do it. I once shot beside Bob and every few shots he'd raise up and turn his tuner. I was thinking, Bob's having a rough time. As it turned out he ended up the target shooting a 2350!!! I don't recall if it was a PSl target or an ARA? Doesn't matter, 2350 is a good score on either. There are some folks out there that can do it.

"Since Tony is new and we want to help him out, maybe you could go down to his bench and show him how to adjust his tuner during the match. If he is going to play this game, we need to get him started on the right foot."

Kent and Don,

It is for sure I need all the help I can get.

I have shot with Bob Barnhart, and if he routinely adjusts his tuner during a match, well all I can say is I'll still offer him the same match I offered the other three gentlemen.

But no, I don't need help adjusting my tuner during a match. I have enough problems just trying to shoot.

Now remember, I never said I would win, but I will pay up the dollar 298 if I lose.

You guys going to make the match?

Since Tony is new and we want to help him out, maybe you could go down to his bench and show him how to adjust his tuner during the match. If he is going to play this game, we need to get him started on the right foot.

Tony is not really new to the game. In 1993 and 1994 he was one of the top shooters in BR 50 International. Sorry Tony, I did not mean to blow your cover.
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Someone asked me to name the top shooters I've seen twisting their tuners during a match. They haven't responded so I'll keep it to them. I mean absolutely no disrespect to Harry Deneen, it may have worked for him but not all others. I could tell you about a couple of Calfee shooters twisting their tuners and tell you about others that do it. It makes no matter who the shooter is it has everything to do with confidence in ammo and equipment. That is it. I've seen it work and I've seen it fail (more so than work on a given day) but have seen it enough that those that think you leave it for the life of a barrel are wrong. I know a fellow that is pretty successful to twist it a couple clicks either way (in or out) due to temperature. Seen it!

Show up on Friday and we can all gather round and give any advice we feel is necessary. Problem is he is sharing with Harry. Harry won't let Tony twist on his tuner I suspect. bob finger
Someone asked me to name the top shooters I've seen twisting their tuners during a match. They haven't responded so I'll keep it to them. I mean absolutely no disrespect to Harry Deneen, it may have worked for him but not all others. I could tell you about a couple of Calfee shooters twisting their tuners and tell you about others that do it. It makes no matter who the shooter is it has everything to do with confidence in ammo and equipment. That is it. I've seen it work and I've seen it fail (more so than work on a given day) but have seen it enough that those that think you leave it for the life of a barrel are wrong. I know a fellow that is pretty successful to twist it a couple clicks either way (in or out) due to temperature. Seen it!



If they asked you, why do you need them to respond. I can name a few that's done it. Steve Turner used to twist it until it sounded like a weed eater engine. Steve usuually shot well so I don't know if it helped or not. However, the majority of good shooters do not twist unless there's a problem. Then it usually doesn't help. Most of the shooters that I have seen twist are twisting not more than 5-10 clicks one way or the other, basically has no affect anyway.

However, the majority of good shooters do not twist unless there's a problem. Then it usually doesn't help. Most of the shooters that I have seen twist are twisting not more than 5-10 clicks one way or the other, basically has no affect anyway.

Madrox what do you base the above two statements on? I know some shooters, that have world records, or at least did when I was shooting with them and it was nothing to see them tweak the tuner two or three times during a match, summarily shoot their 250 with 18-22X'a and win the match. I am not talking one shooter doing this, but three or four.

BTW, normally when something is wrong is when you are looking for an answer isn't it?

Not trying to be a horse's rear, just curious where you got your info from?

I wasn't trying to argue, thrust me on that. Just pointing out that some folks ahve a talent to adjust a tuner during a target. Me, I'm the set em and lock 'em down and leave them alone sort. I had the same tuner on 3 different barrels and it stayed on the same setting and shot well enough to win matches, and the barrels were from 3 different makers. All of the barrels were the same length and contour, but different twist rates
I won't be able to make the Luray match. Don't have the ammo, and have some rifle work that needs to be done too. Maybe I'll se eyou at one of the rocky River Indoor matches this Winter.
Which tuner ? and do you remember the setting ?
Hope to see you this winter at the RR Barn.
Fred K
I wasn't trying to argue, thrust me on that. Just pointing out that some folks ahve a talent to adjust a tuner during a target. Me, I'm the set em and lock 'em down and leave them alone sort. I had the same tuner on 3 different barrels and it stayed on the same setting and shot well enough to win matches, and the barrels were from 3 different makers. All of the barrels were the same length and contour, but different twist rates
I won't be able to make the Luray match. Don't have the ammo, and have some rifle work that needs to be done too. Maybe I'll se eyou at one of the rocky River Indoor matches this Winter.


I don't take anything on these boards as arguments. Just differences of experiences, and opinions. When I see things that are contrary to my own, I do a re-think, and maybe even do some testing. Can't tell you how many dead end trails I've followed over the years. But sometimes, you find a pearl!

As many have said, what works for one, may not work for all, and some guys just seem to have the ability to make anything work.

I try not to fix anything that isn't broke but if it quits working, I'll screw it, twist it, or replace it in a minute. Sounds like you do the same. Good luck with the rebuild. See you at the barn in December!

As long as jerry ain"t shooting for a watermelon i trust him! :d:d:d don, i think we got tony"s tuner set pretty good last week.. We shot all day and the gun is worthy! Harry...
Am I thinking right here? I see here that some shooters twist their tuners when shooting big scores, like 250's with a lot of X's. I'm trying to get it in my head how this is done.

If I start a target and am shooting all X's and good 10's, I don't need to twist my tuner do I?

If I start a target, shoot some foulers/sighters, the gun looks ready, then I start a row and about the third shot I get a 9.

I then go to my sighter and check and say everything looks fine so I return to the record.

I run some X's then another nine. I then go to the sighter and start twisting my tuner to get the rifle in tune.

I return to the record.

But here's where I'm confused. By the time I find I need to twist my tuner, I'm dead as far as winning this target. And I for sure am not going to shoot a 250 with big X's.

So I wonder how those shooters twist their tuners "druing a target' as some have stated and shoot those 250's with big X counts.
Squatty, they spend time on the sighters...and ideally don't move on to the record targets until they feel like they have something working.

Of course sometimes you get bit working through the target and have to go back to the sighters and get your game back together before you continue.

Unfortunately sometimes you just can't get anything to work and you just have to shoot the target and lick your wounds.

As close together as the benches are at Piney Hill, you are going to irritate the adjacent shooter if you jump up and twist the tuner during a match. Might be fun to watch the follow up to that
Mr. Cpeters:

I asked a question about how a shooter shoots a 250 with big X counts when they twist their tuner.

Mr. Cpeters, I thank you for your response. It's people like you that help us that don't know.

It is refreshing to have someone like you to respond...

May I ask you this, your response let me know how experienced you are in IR-50 and/or RBA shooting. Might I ask, which do you compete in the most, IR-50 or RBA, or do you compete equally in both?

Thanks again.
As close together as the benches are at Piney Hill, you are going to irritate the adjacent shooter if you jump up and twist the tuner during a match. Might be fun to watch the follow up to that

Don, Bill Sims has long enough arms to just reach out there!:D He is one of those that I have seen tune in the middle of a match. I have also seen Freddy Sears and Mike Lowery do it.

squatty the guys I speak of could tell if they needed to tweak the tuner by how close to the center they were. I couldn't do, and only tried it once to find that out. That and the fact I had no idea what I was seeing anyway!:D

If you are getting tens, but just barely, how much does it take to miss the next shot? That is what I think they were doing. But then on the other hand, I have seen them grab the knobs on their scopes and go to twisting in the middle of a match too. Is there a lot of difference?

Who is a new shooter to believe? If a new shooter asks a question, how does he know he's getting good advice?

To twist your tuner during a target or not? Some say they never twist and some say they have shot amazing scores by twisting?

I tend to believe the opinions of the shooters who are the very best.

I've did some research. I've looked at the ARA, RBA and IR-50 sites. There are two shooters who stand out above all others. These two shooters, as far as I can determine, have won all three National Championships. (ARA, RBA and IR-50) I can't find any other names that have done that.

These two shooters hold, the best I can determine, 19 world records between them.

So what do these two stars of rimfire benchrest do?

The first is Mr. Harry Deneen. Mr. Deneen has already stated that he does not twist. He even said elsewhere that he had one rifle that the tuner had not been moved in 10 years.

I would like to know, if possible, what Mr. DJ Hepler does. Does Mr. Hepler twist or not?
your on the right track, research and use the results !
check the ara nationals equipment list, use what's most popular !
research the members list, see how long they have been posting, take advice from the old heads, some newbies say a lot, but have no experience !!
the truth about rimfire is right here on your p.c., learnin what to save and what to burn is the trick and half the fun of the sport:)
fads come and go, but the winners and their equipment keep showing up at the top of these list year after year...if it works over and over for them, it's gotta be the best....or ya can come help me drive square pegs into round holes, damn i'm bound ta get one to fit eventually !!!!:D

When dj was starting out i tried to help him asa much as i could, and i believe i have! He had a great fire and was willing to do what it took to win, dj does not move his tuner ! When he gets it right he lets it alone as i have told him.. He has told me that he has tried a couple diffrent setting and has went back to the original setting... When a barrel is dead its dead!! To each his own.. Hopes this helps.. Harry..:):):)