"Calfee Listeners"

Calfee Listeners

Bill you built me a turbo rifle that I used to set several world records and state records. You have done more for accuracy than anyother gunsmith. You have made gunsmiths better because they used your ideas and refined them. Accuracy has come 100 per cent in the last 10 years. I really like your articles in PS and liked your ideas. I was at a range testing some ammo and a fly landed on my target and a fellow shooter was watching me shoot and he told me that the fly landed on my target and I shot the fly. The fellow shooter did not say anything till another fly landed on the target, he said mister there is another fly on your target, I shot the fly and he jump up and said Mister If I had not seen you shoot the flys I would not believe it. Where did you get that rifle. I told him who built the rifle, a fellow named Bill Calfee. That is the kind of accuracy that Bill build in his rifles at 50 yards. I think that speaks for the accuracy that Bill Calfee put in his rifles.
QUOTE=T-R-SINK; Bill you built me a turbo rifle that I used to set several world records and state records. You have done more for accuracy than anyother gunsmith. You have made gunsmiths better because they used your ideas and refined them.

I am another one that believes old Bill has done more for rimfire accuracy than anyone else. Some say that Bill talks in riddles, maybe. Some say Bill doesn't tell them all they want to know, when they want to know it, who does? I say we all should thank Bill for what he does tell us. Bill is unique, and he is not likely to change in our lifetime. Thanks Bill.
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Me too.

I also enjoy reading Bill's posts.

I must admit that it can get really difficult to follow at times and I often think that I'd be better off waiting for the movie to come out :)
Thank You Mr. Calfee....

What can one really say to express thanks to someone like Bill Calfee. It’s not often that you find a craftsman who has come up with a unique way of thinking about a problem and arriving at a solution, and then willingly, scratch that, enthusiastically tries to tell his colleagues and competitors how they can tackle the same problem. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and I wonder if I ever did devise a new way of doing something, anything, that had the potential to advance accuracy, if I would share that with anyone. For most folks, the competitive nature of things would probably make them keep these ideas to themselves. But Bill has repeatedly come to these boards and tried to get people to think about new ways of looking at the tools we use to play this game. Sure, he has a unique way of getting his audience to “have the light bulb come on”, but for myself, I would much rather have someone tell me how to figure out why something does what it does rather than simply give me an answer. When Bill told everyone to clamp a 3’ welding rod in a bench vise and strum it like a guitar string to see how a barrel vibrates I was hooked. You can’t have someone tell you what that looks like, you have to do it. (Search the Centerfire board “Calfee welding rod vibration” for the specifics if you’re interested. You really only need to read the first couple pages, after that, as usual, the thread gets hijacked, but you can get the full story in the March 2005 P.S. article) The fact that Bill even bothers with coming her any longer simply amazes me after all the negative comments and bashing that he is continually been subjected to. I guess all I can say is Thanks, “Friend Bill”, and please stay the course……

And where do I pre-order the book?
I can't add much about Bill's Ability to build a Rifle. But their is one thing that needs to be said. Bill Calfee you are a "Prince of a Man" Thanks for all the special things that go unmentioned.
You are a true Friend
From many of those who criticize Bill and his efforts, I sense a lot of jealousy. Jealousy because they either didn't think of the idea their selves or jealousy because they are not smart enough to disprove Bill's various ideas. When a new idea comes along and we try it or try to disprove it, either way, we benefit but to just refute the idea without an effort from the critic is a waste of all our times.
One thing comes to mind. You have always talked about accuracy. You have done a great deal of trial and error testing. You have put your heart and soul into it. There are a lot of good gunsmiths in our country That build good rifles. I don't know of any that have shared there know-how and secrets of gunsmithing that you have. You make a living building guns, yet you share these things. I have learned a great deal from your post and articles. I look forward to your post and hope that they continue.
Calfee Listeners

I have never met Mr. Calfee but I feel like I know him through his articles in PS and this forum. I don't know how anybody could bash a man who has done more for the accuracy of rimfires than anybody in this country. His biggest gift though is his willingness to give out this information. My father said it best: If MR. Calfee has done anything for rimfires it has to be that he has made people think! I will miss your articles in PS(especially on 52's as I am a avid collector) One last note from one of your fellow Indianans(Bobby Knight) When my time has come and past-I hope that my critics can kiss my ass.
"It's his machine"!

I have never shot a competitive match. I have attended a few matches, both centerfire and rimfire. Someday I hope to have the opportunity to join you in a match. One rimfire shoot a friend and I attended was in Borden In. Mr Calfee was also there watching the match. Later Mr. Calfee was down at the scoring table and what a personality he is. He answered questions, entered into discussions, offered opinions, etc. with us and several others needing advice. Others had even brought a gun for Mr. Calfee to look at and give his thoughts. The demand for this mans time must be tremendous and yet he was very courteous to all never once shying away from converstion or questions. The way Mr. Calfee post on "Wilburs Fine Forum" must be blamed on his "machine" as he calls it. Maybe it's just what happens when he's excited about a new discovery in accuracy??? You know "accuracy is not a funny thing".................Truthfully, I don't know what it is? I don't know about you but as long as he speaks..... writes........ utters, etc..........This ole Hillbilly is going to listen or read it and I guarantee I will learn something! I just wish some others would allow us the opportunity to enjoy his post without their usual interuptions.
My dear friends

My dear friends:

I don't know what to say......I turned on my machine and...........I'm a little embarrassed...........I don't deserve some of the awesome comments you folks posted.....

But, thank you, thank you......thank you.....

You've made this old man's day.....thank you so much for taking time to do this.......

I hope I never let you folks down......

Your friend, Bill Calfee
"Spec Rifles"

Why are they called "spec rifles" when they appear to be spoken for long before they are finished?
Bill is a great guy. He might seem a little eccentric sometimes but most eccentrics are also dedicated achievers and DEAD serious about their trade. The only problem I have is some of the things he eats and tells us about. If he knew what real food was he would be mentioning some good stuff like fried brain sandwiches (my great grandmother knew how to make 'em to die for), and how about some pickled pigs feet Bill or a nice batch of chicken gizzards and home made pickled (stuffed with cabbage) mango's. You just don't know what good food is old buddy.
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