CA State IR50/50 Results


See attached for complete results from the recently concluded IR50/50 Calif State Championship.
We had 13 shooters show up to brave the winds of the Ione Triangle and although the conditions started out somewhat manageable,
By the 3rd card @ 50 yards the winds were in control!
We did have several 250's shot which is quite unusual for our range, usually we are lucky to see one in a match.
Jim Minyard drove up from Visalia and started strong with back to back 250's on cards 1 & 2 slipping to a 245 on card 3.
That was still good enough to capture 1st place at 50 yards, just edging out Abdul Lababedy 745-35x to 744-30x. Francis Lee finished 3rd with a 741-42x which was high x count
for the yardage. The other 250's were shot by Henry Pinkney and Tom Price.
We then moved back to 50 Meters where the battle was between Abdul and Francis.
The 2 of them really outdistanced themselves from the field in some very tricky conditions with Abdul edging out Francis 735-19x to 733-28x.
Matt Lababedy came in a distant 3rd with a 721-25x.
The overall winner and 2019 California State Champion is Abdul Lababedy with a very nice for the conditions 1479-49x, Francis Lee right behind with 1474-70x, and Jim Minyard in 3rd with a 1465-61x. Francis had high X count with 70.

As you all know Dan has been dealing with some serious health issues, but I talked to him tonight and he is starting to feel a little better.
I am going to try and get down to his place next week and help him get the awards squared away and mailed out to the deserving winners.
He wanted me to let everyone know he appreciates their understanding and well wishes.

Thanks to everyone who helped especially Henry helping me with the scoring, and thank you to all the shooters!
Complete results attached:


  • 2019 IR5050 Calif State Championship.pdf
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Building Rimfire Benchrest in California

I did not realize there was IR 50/50 in California.

The website does not indicate any Clubs in California participating.

I have shot American Rimfire Association Competitions with Matt and Abdul at Open Grove in Oxnard. I don't recognize any of the other names from California ARA Events.

There are ARA events up North, this month in Sunnyvale, Redding, Modesto and Burney, California. The events at Redding and Hat Creek (Burney) are both 6 card Tournaments. In Southern California there are events in Oxnard and Escondido.

Would enjoy meeting you guys and building the Sport of Rimfire Benchrest in California.

Kyle Allen
San Diego, CA
Jim Minyard

Kyle ,I sold Jim a 40X 22RFBR rifle earlier this year ,he is the only guy that I recognize in that Group also ! Minyard I believe is in the Fresno area !
Re:Sac Valley !R50/50

I did not realize there was IR 50/50 in California.

The website does not indicate any Clubs in California participating.

I have shot American Rimfire Association Competitions with Matt and Abdul at Open Grove in Oxnard. I don't recognize any of the other names from California ARA Events.

There are ARA events up North, this month in Sunnyvale, Redding, Modesto and Burney, California. The events at Redding and Hat Creek (Burney) are both 6 card Tournaments. In Southern California there are events in Oxnard and Escondido.

Would enjoy meeting you guys and building the Sport of Rimfire Benchrest in California.

Kyle Allen
San Diego, CA

We have been shooting IR50/50 at Sac Valley since March of this year.
All of the matches are posted on this website as well as the 2 Rimfire sites.
If you go on the IR50/50 website you can view the past match results for Sac Valley.
I will have Dan get ahold of Jason to find out why the club disappeared from the Range dropdown on the website.
Since the Sept match was our last of the year you would not see any matches for us in the schedule.
Several of the guys who shoot with us also shoot ARA in both Sunnyvale & Modesto, and a couple of guys who you would probably recognize couldn't make it for various reasons.
One of the reasons we decided to go IR50/50 was because in the past when they tried shooting ARA here at Sac Valley shooters would come once shoot,
and then not come back. Something about low scores and tough conditions?!
I will be the first to admit the Ione Triangle winds can be a little tough on those precious AggLines!:rolleyes:
We also don't cancel matches when it's "too windy" or limit the number of shooters, we figure if you show up you should get to shoot!
If we get more then 20 shooters we just run 2 relays.
Once Dan has the 2020 schedule approved by Jason we will get it posted on the appropriate forums, we already have the range dates locked in.
Any additional questions you can contact Dan Lutke who is the Match Director at
He's been dealing with some health issues so I'm trying to fill in as best I can.