Byers, CO, range location, motels?


Jay Idaho

Can someone provide the general area or address of the 1000 yard range and the best area in which to seek a motel for the Sept. Nationals?


Byers CO...CGC range info

N39� 53.117�� (1000 yards)
W104� 06.183

Hi are the GPS co-ordiantes....the range is located east of Denver of I-70 at the Byers CO can googel it also...hope this helps...Roger
Before the current manager of the Longhorn took over, we had some problems with rooms there, and so tried the Lazy 8 over on the south side of I-70. Either place will do for a weekend - which is good, since the nearest Super 8s, etc. are 42mi. east at Limon, or 20+mi. west at Watkins/DIA. Strasburg has one old-style hotel downtown, but has only one room with a private bathroom. The last time I stayed there, the owner would only accept cash.

CRC's range at Byers has the nicest set of pits I've ever pulled targets in, and it's one of my favorite places to shoot. But Byers isn't exactly a tourist attraction, so don't expect world-class accommodations. That's not intended as a knock on the town - it's so much like my home town here in Western Kansas that I feel quite at home when staying there while attending matches.
The KOA at Strasburg has cabins, much nicer than the motel in Byers. Good cafe across the street. Not far in the back way to the range.