butch lambert

I am home! I have been through every cardio and pulmanory test that can be devised. Some that I remember are TEE, nuclear stress test, breathing tests, brain scan, lung cat scans, heart catherization, cat scan on lungs, and a MRA. They think that I have pulmanory hypertension. I have higher pressure on the right side of the heart and also a small hole in the right side. I'll be scheduled for a sleep test next week.
You guys know that we sure aren't getting any younger. Take care of yourself. You realy don't know how valuable your support is.
Thanks a million.
Thanks for the update Butch. Glad to hear you're back home. At least you now know lots of things that are not wrong; huh?

Thinking of you and praying for you.

Gene Beggs
butch sir,i hope they find the problem,we are praying for ya sir. tim in tx
You'll be just fine Butch, sounds like you have some good Doc's taking care of you.

Anybody that gets that many tests will find something wrong with them...ughhh, I hate hospitals, but we do need to take of ourselves!