Business is pretty darned good.


Is the surface that you're cutting the key seat in indicated parallel with the mill table? If so, how do you do that? Purpose built V-block? Moving the opposite end up and down with the crane?


Justin, the taper that we are cutting the keyseat in is 1 inch taper per foot. The V Block is machined on 1/2 that taper so when you put the shaft in it, the top that is being cut is straight with the table.
The V Block also has dowels that align it lengthways with the table.

The crane takes all of the weight. We lower the shaft into the V Block at pretty close to the correct angle then clamp the shaft into the block.
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Jackie if I could now go back 45 years your Dad would have to either shoot me or hire me to get one minute of peace in his daily life.

Justin, the taper that we are cutting the keyseat in is 1 inch taper per foot. The V Block is machined on 1/2 that taper so when you put the shaft in it, the top that is being cut is straight with the table.
The V Block also has dowels that align it lengthways with the table.

The crane takes all of the weight. We lower the shaft into the V Block at pretty close to the correct angle then clamp the shaft into the block.
That trailer gantry must be pretty free-rolling..... I'm guessing the table feed drags the overhead roller?

Or do you run a motorized feedback loop and drive the overhead?

edit.....ooops, I see where you said "the table pulls the crane"

Sorry. I got all wrapped up in the pictures and kinda' scanned the text. My bad.
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Or maybe when stuff is this heavy EVERYTHING I KNOW about mill fixturing is useless because of the mass involved LOL! I'm seeing that shaft wanting to hop as the rollers drag..... but I guess it's probably smooth as glass!

My son just texted me a couple days ago "Hey Dad, look up my new toy on youtube"... it's a Hankook VTC 3040E with something like 6 feet of vertical, 6 feet of headroom....

And me, trying to be relevant "WOW, how the heck do you fixture something 6ft tall?"

Son, "well, how much fixity do you think you need on a piece of that weight?"

Me...."Ohh, never thought of that!"

edit with above..... I went back and read your text with the pictures and realized you'd already answered my question. You were way ahead of me.
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Jackie if I could now go back 45 years your Dad would have to either shoot me or hire me to get one minute of peace in his daily life.


It would be fun to be a fly on the wall in Jackie's shop for a few days, now wouldn't it?
