Bushnell 4.5-30 x 50 LRS


New member
I'm looking at a 4.5-30 LRS Bushnell for small bore bench shooting at 100-200 yards. It is a SFP mildot reticle.

Anyone have any thoughts on advantages of the FFP over the SFP in benchrest shooting? I'm thinking theSFP might be better as the reticle becomes finer at the higher powers, making precise shots a bit easier.
I'm looking at a 4.5-30 LRS Bushnell for small bore bench shooting at 100-200 yards. It is a SFP mildot reticle.

Anyone have any thoughts on advantages of the FFP over the SFP in benchrest shooting? I'm thinking theSFP might be better as the reticle becomes finer at the higher powers, making precise shots a bit easier.

I suspect you might not get much feedback since the vast majority of BR shooters here or RA shoot @50 yds/mtrs and use a small dot or fine Xhair.
Seems like lots of guys on SH shoot long range 22’s with a variety of different optics.
I think the main reason (perhaps only reason) for a FFP reticle is when you need to use the reticle for range estimation at any power. I'm thinking sniper shoots, Precision Rifle Series and the like where ranges are variable and perhaps not known. In all benchrest that I am familiar with, the ranges are known and having a fine crosshair or small dot is an advantage so I'd go with SFP.

The only FFP scope I own is a Pecar 4-10 variable with German number 4 reticle intended for shooting wild boar by moonlight and the like. Unfortunately, the boars we have in NH are escaped from a game preserve and are considered property of the club.
I'm looking at a 4.5-30 LRS Bushnell for small bore bench shooting at 100-200 yards. It is a SFP mildot reticle.

Anyone have any thoughts on advantages of the FFP over the SFP in benchrest shooting? I'm thinking theSFP might be better as the reticle becomes finer at the higher powers, making precise shots a bit easier.

The above reasons for lack of replies here are reasonable. Benchrest competitors shoot scopes of the type that Tim has mentioned, myself being one of those, and you have posted on a benchrest forum.

SFP scope reticles do not get finer as the power goes up, they stay the same. FFP scope reticles do get larger as the power is increased. I do own one, but it is on my coyote rifle. You are correct about one thing, as a FFP reticle gets larger at higher magnification it becomes virtually useless for shooting the dot out of the middle of a typical 50yd/meter BR target. What it does do really well has already been mentioned, it allows a better through the scope adjustment for bullet drop when surpassing where the scope is zeroed.

When shooting 'action' type matches where you engage targets at various different ranges during the course of fire, they work quite well. Same as my hunting rifle when it's zeroed at 200yds, but that darn yodel dog hangs up at 300-400yds away and won't come any closer.

I know of no rimfire benchrest shooters that shoot FFP scopes, but all the aforementioned RFBR shooters are shooting 50yds/meters. There are tons of action shooters that do shoot FFP scopes though.
Hope this helps.....Scott
Thanks, guys.

I probably erred in my title to this thread. I should have referred to FFP or SFP directly, because that is really the crux of the question.

I really like the Bushnell Tactical scopes because they are made in Japan, reputedly at Light Optic Works (LOW). LOW makes lenses for a lot of the top scope makers.

Thanks for our input!