Bushmaster Problem

well i work for a gun club in louisiana and the owner of the club owns a barrel company as well so i ordered one, they are great tubes. the one i got i took a close look at and to be honest it looks really good. they made it to my specs and all so im happy.
Bushmaster 24" Barrel Defective - 6 month wait

My initial AR-15 was built with Bushmaster upper/lower parts by a gunsmith using a 20" Bushmaster barrel. I intially wanted a 24" but a big run was going on in January 2009.

During that time I used the weapon with the 20" Barrel with no porblems.

6 months later, the 24" barrel arrived and the gunsmith simply swapped out the barrels. Unfortunately for me (due to travel) it would be 5 months (Thanksgiving 2009) before I could shoot the weapon.

The first time I attempted to fire the weapon, it loaded a round but the bolt refused to move forward completely and lacked a good 1/2" from closing. Forward assists was useless. I eventually got the round out and bolt completely open by pulling back on the bolt and beating the stock into the ground.

The round casing had been severely scared up and deformed during the incident. I repeated it. Same problem - same result.

I took the weapon home and attempted to feed a dummy round into the chamber. It refused to to fit-same scarring and deformation of the ammo.

I called the gunsmith the next morning and had the rifle back in his shop. Turns out he did not even test fire or even cycle the weapon after working on it. WTH!!! I cycle my weapons with dummy ammo each time I disassemble and clean them. I was furious!

I was later told that the barrel throat had been machined too short/small and I'd have to wait for another barrel. This poor workmanship is totally inexcusable not to mention dangerous! The new length of wait - indeterminate!

If the 24" barrel isn't here by the end of January 2010 and working the Gun Smith will be eating the cost he initially charged me though he did offer to put the 20" back into place.

Simply ridiculous. I waited 6 months and Bushmaster sent me a defective barrel and the Gunsmith didn't follow basic protocols.

I am curious if too short a throat could have resulted in a slam fire situation?

Anyone with more knowledge on the subject?