bushed primer pockets??

This is a serious question.... has anyone here ever bushed 50BMG primer pockets to accept LRM primers? I'm quite sure that some of the flashtube experimenters who used to frequent this "discussion" board did it, and it's not actually a new idea.....

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But I've never done it.


Over on Accurate Reloading I remember reading a thread by Buckstix where he used 50bmg brass for an old bore rifle of some kind. In that thread he detailed making bushings to utilize LRP’s in lieu of the 50bmg primers. You might search that site for the info.

With 30,000+ #35 primers on hand,I'm good for the time being(<$60/500 <$300/2500)

50BMG flash holes are .125"/1/8" diameter.

50BMG primers weigh approximately 20grains, other centerfire primers weigh approximately 1 grain.

The LRMag primer sleeve may need to be a cup w/ .075" flash hole, since the BMG primer anvil is quite large by comparison to smaller primers.

209/shotgun primers are NOT rated for any where near bottleneck cartridge pressure.

Sleeve/cup some LRMag primers & load a dummy w/ 215-250gr of BMG (VV20N29) powder w/a wad to keep the powder in said case.

A few grains of 4064(ish) powder under the BMG powder may assist ignition.

With 30,000+ #35 primers on hand,I'm good for the time being(<$60/500 <$300/2500)

50BMG flash holes are .125"/1/8" diameter.

50BMG primers weigh approximately 20grains, other centerfire primers weigh approximately 1 grain.

The LRMag primer sleeve may need to be a cup w/ .075" flash hole, since the BMG primer anvil is quite large by comparison to smaller primers.

209/shotgun primers are NOT rated for any where near bottleneck cartridge pressure.

Sleeve/cup some LRMag primers & load a dummy w/ 215-250gr of BMG (VV20N29) powder w/a wad to keep the powder in said case.

A few grains of 4064(ish) powder under the BMG powder may assist ignition.

Thanks Dan.....

This is such a joke. I feel like a wee child ..... I've never been caught out on supplies since Jimmy The Peenut Carter but this whole "packable 50-cal" thing came at me out of the blue and here I am with my panties at my ankles.

Never again I assure you!


I just hope they do come back down after this go-'round. At least I have enough to complete and test my builds at this point.... I can do a lot of damage with 500rds, but what a price!!!
In the good ole days, w/several still in possession

IMR 5010 pull down powder @ $28/8Lb.

647 & 700gr FMJ BT @ $1.00 each

VV 20N29 @ $170/8Lb.

50BMG Rufous projectiles & rounds are saved for "sentimental" reasons.

I do not shoot any sabot (slap/slap-t)rounds thru my bolt guns clamshell brakes(inverted cone in exit).
I'm still waiting for you to find out how much bullets cost... Oh, and ~17 rounds per pound of powder... ;-) **Everything** is bigger in the .50 world - especially the prices!


The bullets I use are currently $4.00-$7.00 each
Looks like mine are $9...

The bullets I use are currently $4.00-$7.00 each

I just checked, Hornady Amax are $9 / round!!!!. Good grief. I haven't had to purchase any in many years, but I certainly don't look forward to replacing my current inventory. I got rid of thousands of ball and AP pulls a few years back - might've been a mistake...

Nothing to do with bushed primer pockets. Just thought that might be interesting to some.
I have a friend that makes his 50Cal bullets using 300 Winchester mag case as shown in the first picture and the second picture shows a loaded round, he has shot them in 1000yds match. Turns off the belt fills the case with No. 9 shot then topped off with a 22-bird shot then points it up.

The third picture is a 50 BMG, then a 20mm case shortened and necked down 50 Cal. McMillan they had a single Shot rifle that shot this round.
Tom Martin gave me this round 1991 He was McMillan shop foreman.


50 2.jpg50 1.jpg50 bmg.jpg
Nothing to do with bushed primer pockets. Just thought that might be interesting to some.
I have a friend that makes his 50Cal bullets using 300 Winchester mag case as shown in the first picture and the second picture shows a loaded round, he has shot them in 1000yds match. Turns off the belt fills the case with No. 9 shot then topped off with a 22-bird shot then points it up.

The third picture is a 50 BMG, then a 20mm case shortened and necked down 50 Cal. McMillan they had a single Shot rifle that shot this round.
Tom Martin gave me this round 1991 He was McMillan shop foreman.


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That last photo looks like it's straight out of one of the 80's copy's of "ABC's of Reloading" - good memories. Thanks for that!
