the pin protursion is .035 , the pin O.D. is .090
airdrop wrote: " the firing pin staying in the forward position after firing an not rebounding fast enough ,like weak spring or hanging up in the forward position allowing it to pierce as the pressure pushes back on the primer...change the primer strike position an might vary primer flash but not priece"
I dont think so, but maybe ? Its funny , a buddy/gunsmith friend of mine shares same problem with his mosin , he is the one who suggested tig welding, If its hanging up , then its happening to both of us. You dont think the excess clearence between the pin and hole is the cause of the problem ? i think it must be , greg's website says " The correct course of action is to reduce the firing pin hole diameter." , that is what im asking someone here to do to my bolt.
I have tried 3 different firing pins , if you include my buddy who has the same problem , well thats 4 bad pins , i dont think that can be the cause( but what do i know)