Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil



Is that Good men do nothing"! Putin is marching his military through Crimea, Obama and Biden are heading south for some " fun in the sun" .. Way to go boys!!
Hope to sell all the homes and get the hell outahere in 7 years!!!
God willing
Where ya going?

Hope to sell all the homes and get the hell outahere in 7 years!!!
God willing

I have a friend who came here from England. He said he believed then that this was the last best hope for raising his children. They are adults now, by the way. He says now he thinks Australia may be the last best place but I don't think so, personally. I think the Cook Islands looks pretty good. :)

I got out of LI 40 years ago. Only problem, I didn't go far enough!!
The Fix for Crimea? If the residents vote approval, sell it to Russia---money problem of Ukraine solved, everybody wins....
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Vinny you're going to need all the help you can find living where you are!

Joe Salt


You have the makings of a Texan. That is about the highest complement that a native Texan can possibly give to someone from as far north as you. Texas is where it is at.

Concho Bill
Well, Texas is a big place. We have a cross section or all kinds of interesting folk. Howie will find a group to pal around with.

Concho Bill

Bill, you know who I am talking about don't you? Howie Levy. He started shooting benchrest when they were using Quaker Oat boxes for scopes and dried dinosaur poop for powder.
Bill, you know who I am talking about don't you? Howie Levy. He started shooting benchrest when they were using Quaker Oat boxes for scopes and dried dinosaur poop for powder.

Actually Conrad, I don't know Howie but, from what you say, he sounds like he could fit in.

Concho Bill

You have the makings of a Texan. That is about the highest complement that a native Texan can possibly give to someone from as far north as you. Texas is where it is at.

Concho Bill

Thank you for the complement and for considering me worthy of being a Texan!! I love the salt so I'd have to be on the shore!!
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Al, Don't you think we can speak the same language or do you think we couldn't completely understand each other? I can get along with some of the damnest yankees. We are more alike than we are different.

On a serious note for a change: I find myself astounded how as Americans, we can elect some of the strangest pieces of humanity you could ever put in a suit to be our leaders.

Am I loosing something as I grow older or what?

Concho Bill
Bill, Howie Levy can tell you about running down to the store for a cold drink and it'll be hysterically funny. And so can most of the Texans I've met. Each culture has a unique and fascinating lens on life, BOTH laced with down home cultural references and truisms. This is also true of the Deep South, Down East or even up here in the PNW.....

I enjoy them all. And especially enjoy mixing them.

which reminds me,

Thank You Wilbur