Bullet bump Die


New member
I need a Die to Bump .224 bullets to .227 for the savage 99 in 22 High power, any ideas who can provide this die?
Well I'm still intrigued by the op..... has anyone ever actually done this? Bumped finished bullets up to diameter??

To my mind it would need to be done before pointing up for it to work.
Bullet Bump die

Well I'm still intrigued by the op..... has anyone ever actually done this? Bumped finished bullets up to diameter??

To my mind it would need to be done before pointing up for it to work.

Yes Al it has been done, Wolf Publishing of Prescott AZ a writer for the magazine had a Bump die made whereby .224 were bumped up to .227 also loading data.
Nobody has the .227 70gr bullets Hornady, Sierra Seller and Bellot loads ammo BUT.

Contacted Wolf Publishing, the 39th Issue of the Handloader has the information within however Wolf is out of the 39th, maybe someone here has that older issue?
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C4HD will make bump dies. You need to call them on the phone and talk to one of the tech guys.