Build your perfect SR Score rifle

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
If you could build your perfect SR Score rifle for registered tournaments, what would it be and why? Whether it's one you currently have and would duplicate or your dream build, lets hear about it.

Forget the budget..let's have some fun with this. Looking forward to your replies.

Good shootin' :) -Al
I'm not sure I'd change a thing from what I have. A couple of Borden Rimrocks in the Borden/Adamowitz(sp) style stocks(still my favorite), a very good old Jewell trigger and a GREAT barrel. Call me happy with that. As for cartridge, I believe a 30BR and 30 Major are a coin toss and there are other obscure wildcats that are probably just as suitable.. Of course, 13.5lbs 30 cal for IBS/NBRSA. Oh, almost forgot the scope. Hard to beat a NF 15-55 but there are certainly other great options, especially in a 13.5lb build.
Then there's UBR score shooting too! Biggest difference is caliber neutral and right now, the 22's are looking like the way to go. The 30s, 6s and now the 22s have all had their days in that game. Seems to come down to great bullets and bbls. Go figure! The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I would just take my HV rifle from last season, a BAT B in a TMBR stock, and put a 24" HV 30BR barrel on it with a tuner and shoot both score and group club matches with it. Being able to preload and shoot any local match are big plusses.
How about a Mack Bros action in a Meredith Stock, Shilen trigger. The March 40-60 scope with the smallest dot I can get. Since I like RRR's this would do me. :)

What I do have is a 13.5 lb Rimrock M RLR in a Meredith stock, 15-55 Night force, 30 BR. This is my second Rimrock M RLR. The other was in a beautiful Robertson r/w stock, One of two of the many BR rifles I have owned that I regret selling.