Bruno's Shooters Supply

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Looks like the places you ordered from were not suppliers who sell ammunition components. I too, placed an order, yesterday, from Brownells, and got it today at 1;20PM....but it was an 8-40 tap and I paid $41.20 for FedEx Next-Day delivery.

But that was for a not in high demand item that relates to making guns shoot. I had lunch 3 weeks ago with Stan Widener of Wideners Reloading and, that day, a Thursday, he had just hired 3 more people to help package and ship. That same day he reported that his powder magazine was empty!! For 2 days that week they had taken the phones off the hook and were still 4-5 weeks behind on orders. Orders for what? Just about anything they sell that relates to making guns shoot, like primers, bullets, 30-round magazines. etc!!

Here's what their web site looks like, even be patient with Lester and Amy, and all the rest, like Graf & Son for example.

Jerry, I was not inferring that Bruno's or any other company who is subjecting customers to long waits for delivery was being unreasonable. Nor am I oblivious to the hectic and difficult times a company may be going through right now. What I was trying to say was that Bruno's should still have made it a priority to find a way TO ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE....and/or or emails. Without maintaining at least some form of coorespondence, a customer cannot know what the heck is going on or even be sure that their order has been processed. This can result in the customer double ordering the same merchandise with other vendors, cancellations, credit card disputes, etc. and just a lot of confusion and worry to the customer. Minimal communication is paramount in the business-customer relationship.....and if Bruno's can't mantain it, then they shouldn't be taking your money.
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