Brady Kinght Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun Match Schedule

Thanks for the input Jeff maybe the poster will delete his post so it will not cause any confusion. That way we will have about 200 people show up ?
My apologies, for mistaking how the SE region was run and I am glad to see that someone out of SE can get SE HOF points. I do plan to get down to River Bend in future and I have no desire to win any benchrest match at this point. I started shooting at 11 (54 now) and several times got semi serious about competing, I do plan on being at Phoenix for Nationals and will be shooting unlimited bag gun in 22/45 made in 1969. Its a gun I love to shoot and I will shoot it. I will shot LV and HV as well. And I am sure Phoenix will tear me up as it has been over twenty years since i have shoot there.

I do miss the ole days when Nationals and most regionals were a big family get together, cookouts and people staying up past 9 pm having a good time. Now the shooters are so serious that hardly anyone is up past 9 pm. Many a shoot was won by someone who stayed up to late and drank too much. We as kids had to wait till 11 pm or later to go cooler raiding, once the shooters would start to turn in for night. That is one thing I liked the several times I shoot in SE region at Mickeys range was the evenings were always a good time like the ole days.

I have heard a lot of good about Rivers Bend and it is no surprise to me as Jim Andress would do his best. I will get there in next year or two if all goes well and scheduling works out for me.

I do plan to get down to River Bend in future....

I have heard a lot of good about Rivers Bend and it is no surprise to me as Jim Andress would do his best. I will get there in next year or two if all goes well and scheduling works out for me.


Jim, this upcoming shoot might be the best time to shoot at River Bend since Wilbur seems to be making a trophy, see; (but, you might have to beat Bart and Billy to win it); also, you can count on being treated to a lot of good, free food. Come on down next month; it's an easy one day drive -- one way. :)
I'm gonna show up with some kind of trophy but it ain't going well right now! I gotta get lucky just once. Otherwise it will just be a regular ol' trophy....

BTW - thanks a million for the offer to help me out with equipment and such.
You must be from Southeast region to win this event according to SE region rules. No one from outside of SE Region can win the regional. I always thought this was negative for participation from outside of the region. I think this should be advertised as I would hate to drive from outside of region shoot well and then find out you cannot win the SE regional due to SE region rules.


Jim...that was changed a couple of years ago. The SE Region Championship as well as SE Region Hall of Fame points are now open to everyone.

The members of the Southeast Region voted that if you do not live in the region you don't get HOF points - that's all. You can win everything else! I could be wrong about that but don't think so.

That said, I'm not sure that's a good idea since HOF points are just HOF points...rather inexpensive points to say the least. The regional members should take an official re-vote on that deal! Not saying that I disagree with the SER members at all but this gets to be a "no never minder" if you think about it for 20 years.

Wilbur...we did take a vote on it and it was changed. Anyone can now win HOF points and as a matter of fact Bart was retroactively admitted to SER HOF.
Okay, guys and gals, if you aren't planning on being at River Bend next week you've still got time to get your act together. Don't miss your chance for the special treat mentioned in post 23 above.

it was not all for: I voted for anyone to compete and win. However I also felt and pthers did as well ( before they moved out of region) shooters must be in in S.E. Region to win hall of fame points for S.E. Hall of Fame points. WHAT OTHER REGIONS HAVE IT OPEN TO ALL?