scott mims
Thanks for the input Jeff maybe the poster will delete his post so it will not cause any confusion. That way we will have about 200 people show up ?
I do plan to get down to River Bend in future....
I have heard a lot of good about Rivers Bend and it is no surprise to me as Jim Andress would do his best. I will get there in next year or two if all goes well and scheduling works out for me.
You must be from Southeast region to win this event according to SE region rules. No one from outside of SE Region can win the regional. I always thought this was negative for participation from outside of the region. I think this should be advertised as I would hate to drive from outside of region shoot well and then find out you cannot win the SE regional due to SE region rules.
The members of the Southeast Region voted that if you do not live in the region you don't get HOF points - that's all. You can win everything else! I could be wrong about that but don't think so.
That said, I'm not sure that's a good idea since HOF points are just HOF points...rather inexpensive points to say the least. The regional members should take an official re-vote on that deal! Not saying that I disagree with the SER members at all but this gets to be a "no never minder" if you think about it for 20 years.
I know one thing I'm tired of getting my butt kicked all spring. I'm ready for some redemption
Can't wait to see all of you guys there
That will put them on notice Tim!!!
The swords are drawn.