br stock for a win 52c ?

George, I'm hoping I spoke loud enough with the last of several rebuttals to him to stop this crap. At least he stopped over on RFC under a different username. I try very hard to support the game in many different ways, as I know you do too. Some folks just don't get it though.

Stay safe......Scott
so just to be clear,
you are entitled to an OPINION,
but i am NOT.

Here we go again!! NO ARA FACTORY CLASS RULES STATE YOUR RIFLE OR BUTCH'S IS NOT A STOCK RIFLE!! PERIOD!! They don't state they are not 'factory' either. They simply state those two, and many others, are not allowed by the rules. They are rules the sanctioning body has put in place to keep a level playing field for current entry level rifles. Read that last sentence again, key word being 'current'.

What the heck don't you understand about that? Why do you keep posting inaccurate information on a couple of boards? The rules are the rules. They DO NOT state what you post, they state what stock 'factory' rifles are excluded in an effort to get people on a limited budget interested in the game. You whine and piss and moan about your rifle not being able to keep up the customs in Unlimited. So your answer is to whine and piss and moan about not getting to use your rifle in a class that would do the same thing to the guys shooting CZ's, Savages, etc as the customs do to yours in Unlimited. Now that's real fair isn't it? Get over it sport!!

Go start your own sanctioning body that fits 'your' needs and has 'your' rules and then go through the administration process it takes in providing a national data base for people to track their ARA does a very good job of. Hundreds of guys are loving.....and shooting the Factory Class with rifles that qualify for the class. They are having fun competing while all you do is gripe and complain and spread fictitious information on forums.


Edit: I see the post you made when I was typing this one. ARA is a sanctioning's NOT a club and there for they don't vote on anything. I personally don't know any of the sanctioning bodies I shoot that do vote on rules, whether privately owned or owned by a corporation. Keep griping about this 'non-issue' you are having and I will keep pushing back, until you stop derogating the ARA and understand sanctioned shooting is often different than 'club' rule shooting. Perhaps you should go back to your 'simpler' life and shoot club rule matches.
so just to be clear,
you are entitled to an OPINION,
but i am NOT.

Hey there sport, sorry for the slow reply. I was off shooting a match yesterday, having a great time with my friends, doing what I love to do.....shooting cards.....sanctioned cards.

There is a huge difference between voicing an opinion and blatantly misquoting the rules of a sanctioning body over and over again on gun forums. Of course, that has nothing to do with me having an issue with other's opinions, but has everything to do with people who lie and spread misinformation to support 'their' opinions.....such as you.

Nobody that has much experience shooting sanctioned rifle matches is going to support you still whining, pissing, and moaning about your rifle not being allowed in the ARA Factory class. Here's an example for you. I don't just shoot ARA, I also shoot IR50/50 3-Gun. Part of that is Sorter class, which has a 6.5X limit on scope power. Now, do I like that rule, not really. Do I think I could shoot better scores in Sporter with a higher limit, of course I do. Do I go on benchrest forums and complain about that EXCESS.....under the guise of voicing an opinion? No, it's a rule and it's the same for everybody. Do I misinform others about what the rule states in an effort to support my baseless claim of why it isn't fair?.....nope, don't do that either. There's a difference between voicing an opinion and derogating a sanctioning body by not typing the truth about what their rules state. You have gone way beyond voicing an opinion.

I would say that you are the one having an 'issue'. Keep pulling on that udder if you wish sport, but it isn't going to give up anymore milk! I support sanctioned RFBR with everything I have to give. I do it by participating, by helping new guys when I am able to add something, and by supporting the sanctioning bodies that do their best to provide a safe and structured protocol for a level playing field across their classes. Sorry that's something you don't understand, but I'm not going to let you infer I have an issue with other's 'opinions' because you don't get it. Nor will I post untrue information to others, trying to undermine the good that sanctioned shooting brings to the table, like a fair and level playing field.

Best of luck to you.........Scott
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