BR bullet thread?


Are you Gerry M from "Can of Soda" New York?, or Painted Post, we see each other each year at the IBS meeting?

As far as the on or off meds thing is concerned... Stephen has gone way off the deep end a number of times here. On another note, if a guy starts a thread and it goes for months, then one day when he is off his meds, he decides to delete his first post, the whole thread is gone, I know that for sure, what I don't know is if Wilbur has a back-up of it.
Br bullet thread

Yes thats me gerry from Can a soda director Camillus. also.
I shoot short range br . Not very well but have a great time.
I did not kill the BR Bullet Making Thread. Also your comments are in-appropriate. You know down deep your father , Francis, has continually tried to get my Goat along with Mickey Coleman on BRC. Like I said earlier I like you and your son Eric but have nothing to do with your dad.

I wish somebody on BR Central would read this. I would never do anything to damge a historical Thread like BR Bullet Making. The deletion came from another source not me. Boyd look into this Please. I saved my copy of the bullet making Thread. adios good people.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

Not picking on you, ( pbike) BUT a lot of our shooters on this site have referred to "his meds". This is all uncalled for and very insulting. )chill(If you knew the hard facts maybe you wouldn't throw stones from your glass houses. Everyone has their own agenda and beliefs and if you cannot refrain from insulting remarks and false innuendos, start your own post/thread. Lots of folks are here to learn and Stephen has been kind enough to share his knowledge. His delivery is really pretty good, JMHO, he has a lot to share. Seems that the antagonizers have once again completed their task....... Jan Sarras
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I for one was getting a lot of useful information from this thread. I am new to the bullet making game and I am trying to learn all I can without "bugging" my bullet maker mentor to death. I also appreciate your help Jan in getting my bullet printing problem squared away. I am also curious to see if we can find out what happened and if there is any way to get it restored. The last I saw, the thread was up to page 26. I guess I will wait and see what develops.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
That was a good thread. I have put my bullet making ambitions aside for now but was hoping to come back to the thread latter in the summer.

I hadn't paid close attention in the previous 10 or 12 days but I didn't see Stephen post anything offensive. So I will withhold judgement until the evidence is presented.

I think it is a bit premature to blame this on one person if you don't really know what happened.
Not picking on you, ( pbike) BUT a lot of our shooters on this site have referred to "his meds". This is all uncalled for and very insulting. )chill(If you knew the hard facts maybe you wouldn't throw stones from your glass houses. Everyone has their own agenda and beliefs and if you cannot refrain from insulting remarks and false innuendos, start your own post/thread. Lots of folks are here to learn and Stephen has been kind enough to share his knowledge. His delivery is really pretty good, JMHO, he has a lot to share. Seems that the antagonizers have once again completed their task....... Jan Sarras

Jan I have to agree with you, Stephen shared a lot of his knowledge, not only in the Bullet making thread that he started.

I don't know Stephen personally so don't know the full story but perhaps those that say he's of his meds can provide proof of this or publicly apologise for the uncalled for comments which are viewed by a lot of people that may take gossip for truth.

I gained a lot of knowledge from that thread and hope the thread can be resurrected...........Ian
"I gained a lot of knowledge from that thread and hope the thread can be resurrected...........Ian "

I see a lot of interst in this thread You will have to excuse my occasional typo and small glitches . If you would like i'll start a thread on bullet making. Give me some replys and i'll start one as long as it';s agreeable with Wilbur.
Its his site and hes the boss.
There is an add-on feature to IE.
It's "iespell check" works pretty good.
The hard part is remembering to use it.
Stephen does have a lot to offer - if he could only resist responding to the "gouges" in the manner chosen. Folks know where his buttons are and push them until he makes "that post".

I have the entire thread and will bring it back when I figure out how.
Thanks Wilbur, I was in the process of moving post to a file that I felt were of greatest benefit to my new bullet making adventure when it went poof. I really wanted to keep all the good stuff, hope you figure it out. I just found the spell check thingie, now I don't have to keep asking my wife nicknamed (I don't know) and I can put the big a-- Webster's back on the shelf.

Dan Honert
If BR Central.......

Stephen does have a lot to offer - if he could only resist responding to the "gouges" in the manner chosen. Folks know where his buttons are and push them until he makes "that post".

I have the entire thread and will bring it back when I figure out how.

..........was as quick to squelch the antagonizers (button pushers) as it is to shut down Perry, maybe it would stop these types of situations regarding ALL posts. Is this not a "FAIR" approach. Were any Button Pushers chastized? I bet not. Be well, shoot well.... DONE...
Jan Sarras
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If anyone receives their notices to subscribed threads it could be partially rebuilt from those.
I still have the ones for the other item in question but I was not subscribed to the bullet thread.