Boyd Allen, images of barrel cooler


oft dis'd member
Boyd here are the pix of my barrel cooling apparatus which I used at the match in Portland. This was its trial run.

It was hard to get a clear snapshot due to the sun coming in under the roofline, hopefully it'll all make sense :)

Basically I used a modified Stoney Point bore guide to seal the chamber, pumped into and through the bore to gravity return thru the PCV piping. The piping isn't glued it just slips together like Tinker Toys to conform to any situation. It didn't leak nor drip anywhere and when I'd pumped about a quart through I was done...... I just opened the sprayer and dumped the water back in for the next go-round. I feel that the 2-gallon sprayer would cool a dozen guns before the water got appreciably warmer, and water's fairly easy to resupply. The beauty of this system is that I use the bore guide to clean the rifle, the application of a few swabs of BBS cools the bore a little through evaporation and then after the water's done it's job I run a couple more patches through. Upon disassembly the chamber is essentially clean and dry but I still ran a patch in to pick up any residual H2O.

BTW, when the RO asked me what I was pumping thru the gun I told him a 50/50 mix of Xylene and Methyl Ethyl Ketone......... he didn't find this to be humorous :D

This badboy will drop the temp to whatever you want as fast or slow as you'd like. I ran it gently and had the barrel down to 65degrees in a minute.

It didn't seem to hurt my aggs and my foulers were right on call. As far as shooting it goes I found no effect.



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Should have told the RO Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide which gives a lively result when mixed with Xylene :eek:. Did you consider just filling your sprayer with BBS? Cool and clean in one step. :D
I'm not going to discount "water in the bore theory" :) but I can state with some degree of conviction that THIS water in the bore method is both practical and efficient....... although I'm open to better methods of seating into the chamber.

My next step is to drill and tap the head of a fireformed case like Stoney Point does for their seating depth checkers, only I'm going to screw it onto my bore guide. Then, by gluing a small rubber washer to the face of the shoulder I hope to make a form-fitted and water-tight seal.

Or just get going on my Heavy and fuh'giddabout the whole barrel cooler thang entire........ :rolleyes:

Water & carbon

Hey Al , you know how water injection on internal combustion engines, keeps the inside clean of carbon.
Well, I am wondering if putting the water through the warm bore, with fresh carbon fouling in it ,is softening the carbon and making it easier to clean out.
Have you noticed this on the patches ? ,or less carbon on the final clean when you get home.
I don't think he's dealing with THAT much heat. I think the reason water injection cleans things is becuase of the water boiling, like would happen when you rinse a really hot pan with water and it takes all the grease and crap out.

Al, why not make a fake round out of aluminum (just the body of the case), bore a hole through the center of it, and then stick an o-ring or 2 on it. You can just use any ole hunk of aluminum, but I made a case with an extractor groove and everything for when I soaked the bore of my guns.

As an aside... Have you ever run this water over a chrono? :D
The War Wagon rigs were much more exotic in that they were comprised of sleeved barrels with constant recirculation around the exterior of the bores. Not really very accurate, definitely not competitive, and tripping over hoses everywhere.

Setup/teardown was a bear.

My rig packs into a 5gal bucket and sets up in a minute or less. Disassembly is literally seconds, take it apart and drop the pieces back into the bucket..

Sealing the bore

Thread the back of a case and place surgical tubeing around the neck of the case to seal the bore. May have to fit the case neck by necking it down a bunch . RANDY

It's important to me that the insert still function as a bore guide. I clean, pump, clean, dewater and debride without removing the insert.

When I pull the thing apart the gun is ready to go, clean and dry.

Only cooler, much cooler :cool:

Place a 12"long aluminum tube in a chambered barrel and pore cerrosafe around the tube to fit the chamber walls. RANDY

That's a good idea, cerrosafe is easily machined for an o-ring too.

The only problem I can see then is melting the cerrosafe in the hot chamber, before the water gets to it ;) I'll check this out. Is cerrosafe the stuff that melts at under the boiling point of water? I've got a package down in the shop, I'll check tomorrow.


I kicked around the idea of a barrel block with water circulating while shooting.

That's a wicked idea! I may kick this one around also......I've been looking for a REASON to build a barrel blocked gun ;)



I've got lotsa' friends and rellies in the Dry Cities, I'd like to go out there and shoot but they don't allow my sort out at Rattlesnake Ridge :D If you know of any 600-1000yd BR there I'd sure like to hear of it.


Does anyone use liquid Co2 for cooling. I remembered about 8 - 10 years ago in PS. about a guy who sold the kits. I think it was geared more toward the dog hunters. My other, other hobby (besides golf and shooting) is banging around the rocks in my Bronco. We air the tires down to 5-6 psi to play, and air them back up again to get down the road. I decided to try the whole Co2- cooling thing during load development. I was shooting on very hot and calm evenings, and the bbl just won't cool fast enough (do you get the feeling that I am very impatient?). I usualy like to try lots of different loads, but I like a reasonably cool gun to keep things equal.

It worked well, but there was one VERY bad drawback to this method. Lots and lots of skeeters.....millions of them. Evedently the little things are atracted to Co2. So now I just start the car, rev the engin, and turn the AC on MAX, hold the gun up to the vents and let it cool that way.

After all....gas is cheaper than bbls!!:D
Skeeters are attracted by CO2 :) Which is why we told the newbies in the swamps not to exhale......

The unit that Tod referred to is called the Winterbreeze. You may be able to still get them from Norlin Enterprises at 605-332-5741. He may still manufacture them. I don't know for sure. :confused: