Bolt Lift

This doesn't have a whole lot to do with Bolt lift

But I grew up in a home that was not religious. My parents were hard working, honest to a fault, caring individuals who were all about speaking their mind regardless, tough love and never buying ANYTHING unless the had the money to do it. My father did not have a problem telling anyone what he thought or worried about how they would take it.

Me, I spent years trying to "IMPROVE" on my father's way of living. Not by belittling his ways but thinking there must better, softer ways to proceed. Hell, I've had Mortgages and a few car payments but I have never had a problem either accepting or dispensing TOUGH LOVE.

I thought for a number of years I was a Linertrain and believed there were more people in the middle, politically, than on either side. It took me years to change my mind.

I agree with much of what Al has said above. Liberalism has been on an insidious march since the early 1900's in this country and 1964 put the finishing touches to it. The amendments LBJ got passed fractured our society so there is no way to undo it. At 77, I believe this country has lost the way of life many of us grew up in, it's gone and we are powerless to stop it. We can complain and agonize but we can't stop the rain. The current generation is likely to close the door on Freedom, change and or abolish the constitution we have lived under for well over 200 years. Nothing we can do except speak our minds and push back as much as we can while we are still here.

If you want to know where the "Current Movement" started, Google the Experimental College at the University of Wisconsin. A lot if our country's unraveling came from there.

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Love you Pete!!!

That line "I thought for a number of years I was a Libertarian" is friggin' PRICELESS!!!

And absolutely spot on honest and no doubt true.

Thank You

Comes a point

Love you Pete!!!

That line "I thought for a number of years I was a Libertarian" is friggin' PRICELESS!!!

And absolutely spot on honest and no doubt true.

Thank You


in a persons life where they must be honest with themselves and look at what is reality. As the Marxists grew in numbers one had to decide which side they were to be on and be true to their core beliefs. Now, in this country, it is said it's about 50/50. Hard for me, considering the times I have lived through, to believe that 50 percent of this country would come to believe in "Free Lunch" but I really think we are there. They look at the Scandinavian countries and see some wonderous paradise. Me, I don't want to pay a 60 percent tax PLUS the GST or ALLOW the government to make every decision for me and become a sheeperson. Only a few over 3 million people in those countries individually.


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