Bolt clearance question

Boyd Allen

Active member
Looking over an unmodified 700 SA the best estimate for bolt clearance is about .005 using the high precision
Scotch tape method ;-) I have not decided if I am going to spend any money on this rifle or leave it alone but the thought occurred to me that before I did anything about the bolt's clearance, that it might be a good idea to ask what others have observed as far as the relation between bolt clearance and accuracy.


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Is there any reason one should not bush the bolt behind the lugs also? It seams most folks just bush the rear fit and get good results. Once set up it doesn't seem to be that much more effort to bush the front fit also. The only one I did so far I installed a full length sleeve because I reamed the raceways to .715. It turned out good but don't think the effort required to make the sleeve was worth it.
I don't understand the concern about bolt body clearance alone. Two thou plus is what's usually desired, five isn't unusual for a factory rifle. As part of a complete blueprint the raceway would be reamed to .705 (smart $ says you have different ID's front and rear of your raceway) and a new bolt with the desired clearance ordered for it. Outside of a full blueprint, it would be the last on the list behind trued receiver face, lugs, abutments, boltface...
I have an old Polar action on a Hasecuster Rail that is sloppy at the back, about .004 clearance. It will really shoot. Makes me wonder if we haven't made a lot out of something for nothing. I can't say I like it but it doesn't appear to hurt.