Bluegrass Sportsman League UBR 10/13 results


New member
Yesterday was the last UBR match of the season at BGSL. The weather was great and conditions were challenging. The BGSL wishes to thank everyone who made it out to shoot with us. I have listed the 100-200 results below. I want to congratulate Mike Niblett on his shooting performance yesterday, for someone who acted a little superstitious about the #13 it appears he had no problem overcoming that issue….even though we shot on the “13th” and the powder he was shooting probably had a “13” in it somewhere, he finished up with a potential Custom Class Grand Agg record of 5"13"…his nearest competitor posted a not so shabby 504…..congrats Mike!



  • results 10-13-13.jpg
    results 10-13-13.jpg
    29.1 KB · Views: 242
Seems I had problems including the attachment containing the Grand Agg results....sorry....her 'tis


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    grand agg 10-13.jpg
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