Blue Box 220 Russian

Morning Jack, Kevin and Beth will be in lot 53. Said they will be coming in Thursday. I'll get some brats for dinner.

Jeff Aberegg

This wasn't my brass, I'm just turning and fireforming for him. I've already turned it all (74pcs) and scrapped around 5-6 pcs but that's not including the ones that turned funny. I was going to see how they fireform and hold neck tension. I do have the blue box and can get lot number or just bring them all so you can look at them. I have no idea if any of these are going to be problematic.

I'm just glad that I don't have any that look like what's been posted on here. I think I may have jixned myself as the wife and I were at the NRA convention in Indy and was thanking the Lapua reps there for the good 220 russian brass.

I'm still using gold box brass with no problems. The last 500 or so of gold box I got from ron was very good. Some of that brass has 50+ firing with only one or two being culled because of varying neck tension. I drive brass hard and that lot has never had the sizing die reset over a weekend. However, I'm just about out of it.

I was really hoping this was a non-issue and wouldn't matter, I'm a little concerned now.

Jack, if you would drop a line of concern through your contacts, I'm sure everyone here would greatly appreciate it. The wife and I will see you at the East/West, hope to have a bite and drink with you there, of course, time permitting (meaning I haven't wore the wife's nerves thin yet) we'll attend your session again, I don't know how many times we have been to it but I'm a slow learner.

K&B Hovis
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Anything new on "Blue Box 220"?I have a new box as of 4 days ago and haven't opened it. The lot numbers are different.Just came from a match at Raton and didn't hear any concerns about this.
R.B. Carl